I am IN LOVE with knitting. I have been knitting for a while but never actually finished anything…just played with stitches. I have recently gone back to it and have completed several scarves (both simple and complicated) and several hats. I wanted to do something more complicated but didn’t want to get so frustrated that I stopped enjoying it. I thought my next project would be a shawl but I don’t know if I’m biting off more than I can chew. I thought it would be easy but most shawl patterns look more complicated than I imagined. Part of it is that several of them talk about starting with crochet stitch and then knitting though it which really confuses me. Is a shawl a good idea or is this something I should wait on? If so, can anyone suggest a good alternative? I want it to be some sort of clothing…not into dishcloths and the like :knitting:
Thanks for all your help