I want to knit a sweater, back and forth from bottom to top, but I have a problem understanding parts of the pattern instructions. I would be so grateful if somebody could explain to me what exactly I am to do!
- “Cast on 76 sts. Knit rib for 9 cm. [B]Knit st st for 10 cm. Inc 1 st on both sides 2 times with 10 cm interval => 80 sts.[/B] Knit until body measures 36 cm from cast on edge.”
So, where exactly in those 36 cm am I supposed to increase? At 19 cm and 29 cm from cast on edge? Or at 9 cm and 19 cm from cast on edge? And where exactly - within the row - am I supposed to increase? Simply at the first and the last stich?
- This is how I am supposed to shape the armholes:
"[B]Cast off 5 sts at beg of next 2 rows (each side)[/B] then dec 2 sts in beg of next 4 rows (see dec method) => 62 sts. Work until armhole measures 18 cm."
So, I cast off 5 sts, knit to the end of the row, turn around and cast off 5 sts again? If I do that, the armhole will begin one row lower on one side of the sweater than the other, won’t it? Also, if I try to sew the front and back part together, won’t the sewing edge be uneaven, because again, one edge will have one more row before the armhole begins?
- And another problem with the armholes:
“Cast off 5 sts at beg of next 2 rows (each side) [B]then dec 2 sts in beg of next 4 rows (see dec method) => 62 sts[/B]. Work until armhole measures 18 cm.”
In the beginning of the instructions, under “Decreasing method” the pattern says that “Dec is [B]always done from the right side[/B]. In the beg of row: K2, slip2, K1, pass over. At the end of row: Knit until 4 sts are left, knit 2 together, K2.”
But if I dec “in beg of next 4 rows”, 2 rows will be decreases on the wrong side, right? Or do they mean something else?
Thank you so much for your help with this!