Primavera pattern by Unwind knitwear

Has anyone else used this pattern? I have only just properly read the pattern and the comment ‘the first repeat differs slightly to minimise the jog in the round’. My fault for rushing in! I have only done 24 rounds and it looks fine to me. Should I carry on or unpick?

Many thanks for your thoughts!


Very nice looking pattern! If it looks good, I wouldn’t unpick because of that comment. With this kind of stranded pattern, I find that the jog is just about invisible anyway because of the density of the pattern motif.


What a nice design!

I wonder how much of a difference it is. If it’s only a stitch here or there, you could perhaps duplicate stitch over it later – but only if it become obvious to you and you feel you want to do something.

I have recently been learning various ways of minimising or avoiding jogs in colourwork. Although it’s been fun to learn about, I’ve come to the conclusion that often the jog is not noticeable.


Thank you so much for replying. I really appreciate it! I think thatbyou’re right and I will keep going. The beginning of the round is at the back and I have long hair :grin:


Beautiful. I wouldnt change a thing.
That jog stitch is more noticable in smaller projects imo.