SOOO I was checking my online banking when lo and behold as was doubled billed by Target. now I went to target on Monday. when I was there I used my debit/credit card. the machine froze and it said to give it to the checker. so i did. she then swiped it. now in fairness we both thought that it didn’t go through. since the machine SAID to give it to the checker.
So i called Target when I saw that i was charged twice. now it was not a small shopping day. I spent $153. this target has groceries. So its not like I’m complaining over $10. the lady says Ok come in, with your receipt and in 5 days you will be credited. I’m like Uh no. you will credit me right away. You can charge me right away. and If i was returning something I would be credited right away.
i told her I am still at work and that she has 4 hours to figure out how to credit me right away and that I was bringing my bank statement with me. Now the zinger is I was planning to go to Target to purchase something and I told her this. so i told her figure it out. and I wont be an angry customer.
So wish me Luck and I’ll let you know how it turns out. I know why they are trying to hold on to it for 5 days. they want the interest on the money. ugh.