back neck shaping; next row (rs) K19 join second ball of yarn and bind off next 22 st for back neck, knit to end of row. working on both sides of neck with separte balls of yarn,dec 1 st at each neck edge 18 st on each side of neck, work even until back measures 17 inches bind off.
Knitting a sweater for your child is a great incentive for a beginner. Good for you.
They say second ball of yarn. If you have another ball of the same yarn you can use it, or even the other end of a pull skein, or whatever. You won’t need a lot. Join just means start knitting with the new yarn. The K19 will be one side of the neck, you knit those stitches and then leave that yarn right where you finished knitting and keep going across the row but with new yarn. Cast off 22 stitches (k2 lift over, k1 lift over until you’ve lifted 22 off). That will be the back of the neck. Then knit to the end of the row. Check to see that you have 19 there as well, one will be a loop that is the result of the last bound off stitch.
working on both sides of neck with separte balls of yarn,dec 1 st at each neck edge 18 st on each side of neck, work even until back measures 17 inches bind off.
Is this a regular sweater with a bit of a shoulder on each side of the neck? I’m thinking it is but this is written a little unclearly. I think they want you to decrease 1 stitch on each side of the neck only 1 time and end up with 18 stitches for the shoulder, then keep knitting over those 18 until you have 17". You work the one side with the yarn you started with and the other side with the new yarn.
If you don’t have a real “shoulder” I’m wrong about this.