Life is so unfair sometimes. As I mentioned in my intro post, I am a newbie knitter of just a few months, although I have been a crocheter since childhood. As I also mentioned, I am (eek!) truly allergic to wool. This is not just a “sensitivity” to the scratchier wools, but a true allergy. Yuck. I am also allergic to metallic threads and yarns. I decided that I needed to have a 2nd project OTN, and chose a pattern that calls for Berroco Metallic FX, which I can’t use or wear. I thought I would substitute something in a similar yarn guage but in a natural fiber yarn such as a cotton or linen or something, since it’s a little summer top. So I popped off to a good yarn shop today, 35 miles north in Nashville (nothing closer to home, which just s*cks). It was busy in there, and I had to wait a while to get suggestions from the attending YS employee. By the time I did, I was already itchy just from being around the wools. I didn’t touch them or even really stand near them, but they got me anyway - little woolly fibers in the air.
The unfair part? I didn’t run right home and shower all that wool fiber off of me, so I discovered this evening that I actually got HIVES from the yarn store.
Yeesh…so not fair! :pout:
Guess it’s on-line shopping or the “cheap” stuff at Joann, Michaels and Hobby Lobby for me…or at least try to go to the LYS on a slow day. LOL!