I would like to ask your help to identify this pattern.
These belonged a friend of mine, but she lost them and only this photo is left.
Thank you,
Please help with this pattern
Oh no! We’ll try to help.
Edited to add: I have a vague feeling that this stitch pattern might be found in one of Barbara Walker’s stitch dictionaries. I don’t own these any more to check though, so if anyone else has them handy that might yield an answer.
I had a bit of a look on Ravelry but no luck.
I have one Barbara Walker stitch dictionary; the only patterns I could find were named dotted quilting and scale quilting. Neither one is close enough in appearance to be worth posting here, but they were the same idea. You might try and look for a knitted scale or scallops pattern in a two colour slip stitch? It’s pretty, whatever the actual pattern is.
Edit: found these which might be similar enough?
Thank you both Kushami & Shintoga for your help.
I will play with the two color lattice pattern!
Thank you for having a look, Shintoga. There are some interesting effects in this kind of technique, aren’t there.
You’re welcome. These patterns give a striking effect.
Another place to try to match the exact one would be the “Pattern Detectives” group on Ravelry. You need to join (it’s free), go to the “groups” tab, and search for “pattern detectives”. The folks there might be able to get closer.