Please help with this lace pattern

Screenshot_20240207_195944_Acrobat for Samsung Please can someone help with this pattern I just don’t quite understand this:

Welcome to the forum!
What is the name of your pattern and designer?
This is going to be easier to figure out with sts on the needle but knowing the name of the pattern will help.

Hi there, thank you for replying I have the pattern Screenshot_20240208_030216_Acrobat for Samsung !

I hope this helps :pray:t4:

Actually, the name of the pattern and designer is more helpful. We can’t post large portions of patterns here due to designer copyrights.

Oh I’m sorry about that, I had to buy the pattern. It’s Mini Augustins no5 by Augustins Anne-Sophie Nørby Velling. Yes if course I should have realised that. Its a repeat over 24 stitches if that helps. I just can’t seem to understand the slip stitch and then slip the slipped stitch back, it doesn’t seem to work over 4 stitches? Thank you Ava

I thought I knew how to do this but now I’m not sure so won’t add anything other than the link.

Ok, thanks. I can’t work it out to work over 4 stitches it doesn’t seem to make sense…

The pattern is numbering the next 4sts on the left hand needle. The point of slipping the stitch purlwise is so that you can knit it together with the 4th stitch.
Knit stitch 1, slip stitch 2 purlwise over to the right needle, slip the 4th stitch (which is now the 3rd stitch sitting on the left needle) over the first and 2nd. Put the slipped stitch back on the left needle and knit it together with that carried over stitch and then proceed with the yarn over and k1.
The designer is apparently very reponsive and she may have a better way of describing this stitch pattern. You can message her on Ravelry.

Thanks for the link, Creations.


Thank you for your reply that does help me understand it better. I have messaged the author so I’ll see if she responds. Thanks again for your help. The pattern really is beautiful and has knitted up so far very well.

Even the way you describe it salmonmac I feel a 5th stitch is coming into play on that symbol explanation.

I noticed one comment on ravelry said something about a typo in the Danish version for a part requiring 5 stitches rather than 4. Maybe this is the same part.

I hope you are able to resolve this @scrumptiousava so you can continue. It looks a beautiful pattern.

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Hi Crestions I thought that was using the 5th stitch also…maybe I’ll check that as that might make sense…thank you for your help. It is a beautiful pattern and I really want to finish it!

It may help to count up the sts in the graph for this part and see how they align. I wasn’t counting the first k1 as one of the 4sts involved in the cross. Is that the 5th stitch you’re thinking of, Creations?
I’ve tried this on the needles but I’m not sure where it occurs in the baby blanket.

Hi #salmonmac thank you. The pattern is 24sts and on the chart this bit covers 4 stitches I keep trying slightly different ways but I can’t get it to match up with the next repeat of 24 stitches

The next repeat in the sense of the next round or the following repeat on the same round?

The next repeat of 24 stitches in the same round

What if you knit the next stitch after the k2tog, yarn over, k1? Does that help?
How far off is the alignment of the next repeat, one stitch too many, one stitch too few?

There are some errors in the English version but none of the Ravelry projects has noted what those errors are.

Yes that’s it.
I have limited experience of these type of stitches but when I have followed some of the Japanese knitting bible stitches the symbol represents a number of stitches (here 4) and the description always represents that same number of stitches, meaning the “k1” should be the first of these 4 covered by the symbol.

To me with stitch 1 being closest to the tip of the left needle and stitches labeled 1 2 3 4 and never changing their label
To position them visually as they are on the needle they are
4 3 2 1
K1, stitch 1 is worked
4 3 2 remain on left needle
Slip 1 purl wise, stitch 2 is slipped
4 3 remain on left needle
Slip 4th st over 2 sts to the right of it, not possible as only stitch 3 remains to the right of it. To slip a stitch over 2 sts on the left needle calls for stitch 5 to be used.

If it is stitch 5 then 5 slips over 4 and 3
4 3 5 on left needle
Place slipped stitch back in the left needle, this is stitch 2
4 3 5 2 on left needle
K2tog, this is 5 and 2 worked together
4 3 on left needle
K1, this is stitch 3
Stitch 4 remains on left needle and is not used.
There is a single dec and a single inc so the outcome is that 4 are used up and 4 are made, but 5 stitches were needed to complete the whole maneuver.

The comment on ravelry does not say which symbol needed the 5th stitch but this could well be it.

@scrumptiousava are you also struggling with the first symbol you posted?

Just editing to add. If this repeated across the full round it will fit 24 because 4 are used, 4 are made BUT logically a stitch from after the end of the round will be needed on the last repeat in order to work the repeat. It would use the first stitch of the round, but then it would leave behind stitch 4 which is not worked meaning this becomes the new first stitch of the round.
I do hope I have not caused further confusion!

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OK, this is what I get on the needle. I’ve worked an edge stitch, then k1, slip one, pass stitch 4 over sts 2 and 3. Now pass the slipped stitch back to the left needle, knit it together with stitch 4, yarn over, k1 (this is stitch 2) and then knit the next stitch (stitch 3).

See if that will account for the alignment with the next repeat.


It’s a lovely pattern!
I too thought of Japanese stitch patterns but my reference books don’t have a similar symbol.

I wonder if there are other stitch patterns in the same round that might explain the discrepancy in stitch count. I tried this in a swatch to see what happens if you just follow instructions but noted that my stitch count gets smaller row on row. The instructions for each symbol include two decreases (passing a stitch over, and a k2 tog or ssk, but only one increase - the yo.)
So could there be other increases in the round that compensate?

I don’t think the stitch that is passed over the two sts to its right is meant to be dropped off the needle. It gets knit together with the stitch slipped to the right needle once that stitch is slipped back to the left. It might have been clearer if the designer had cautioned about this.
The pattern seems to be a translation so there is a little awkwardness in the phrasing.

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