Please help to identify this pattern!

I received this scarf as a gift, I could not figure out this pattern :frowning: :frowning:

It looks like weaving or special lace technique, but I am not sure.

Could you please help to identify this pattern?

Thank You
Tammy Nguyen


It looks like seed stitch done with Lion Homespun yarn. Or possibly just plain garter stitch. The texture of the yarn gives it that look.

Hi Suzeeq,
Thank you for your help, Yes - I thought itā€™s seed stitch & tried to swag it. But itā€™s not, I even try ā€œMess Stichā€ K1, -YO, P2- but itā€™s not right neither.

I posted another picture.


That just looks like itā€™s stretched out, knit on large needles and itā€™s backlit so much I canā€™t see the stitches. Homespun (and I know thatā€™s it because I made 2 scarves with that color) is a bulky yarn that knits better on size 11 or 13 needles. There may be a YO, k2tog pattern there, but because the yarn is so textured and the sts knit loosely itā€™s hard to see.