The pattern reads (baby duffel coat - sleeve)
With 4mm needles, cast on 35 sts.
K 17 rows.
Change to 3 1/4mm needles.
K 16 rows.
Change to 4mm needles.
Inc and work into garter st 1 st at each end of the next row and every foll 8th row until there are 53 sts.
Cont straight until sleeve measures 24cm from cast-on edge, ending with a wrong-side row.
Mark each edge of last row with a coloured thread.
Work a further 8 rows.
Cast off.
could someone please explain this to me… The part i am most stuck with is from “Inc and work into garter…” to " Cast off" lol Please help, I am knitting this for my nephew and he is growing so fast, I’m afraid that by the time I finish it wont fit!! lol
Thankyou :knitting: