Pinch me!

I had to come here and tell all of you my good news! About a month ago I submitted eight pattern designs to a major yarn company ( which will remain nameless for now, though all of you have bought their yarn, I’m sure). Ever since, I’ve been checking the answering machine and mailbox obsessively.
Today my machine was blinking and it was them. They are buying four of my designs! Three are still undecided, one was not accepted. So now the plan is they send me the yarns they want these projects completed in, I send them back, and I get paid. The money is not much, but what an ego boost!
When all is said and done I’ll tell you what they are and who they are for. I guess until the thing is published you can’t really talk about it in detail, which makes sense.
So how cool is this? I feel…validated.
Plus, this is excellent ammunition for justifying my yarn addiction. :happydance:

Congratulations! :cheering:

awesome! Can’t wait to see the patterns and hear who bought them! :cheering:

OMG that is SOOO cool!!! :cheering:
Congrats! :thumbsup:


Very nice :thumbsup:

That’s just so great! When they are printed can I send you one and get an autograph!!!

LOL, thanks for the good feedback everybody. I don’t know yet in what format they’ll be published, whether a leaflet, website, pattern book or what. Will have to wait and see I guess.
Now I can obsessively stalk the mailman or UPS man or whoever brings the box of yarn!
My DH said, “What are you going to do with the money?”

Oh, what a dumb question. :roflhard:

My DH said, “What are you going to do with the money?”

Nyuk, nyu, nyuk. :rofling:

Wow, I feel like we have a celebrity in our midst. :sunglasses: A BIG congratulations to you!!! :thumbsup: :balloons:

Thank is sooo exciting!! Congratulations! :cheering:

So you just submitted them or was there a call for submissions or what? Congrats :cheering: This sounds so thrilling.

I just submitted them after writing and asking how one goes about doing that.


:balloons: :present: :notworthy:


Congratulations! That is a huge accomplishment; we’re proud of you!!!

I’m [color=green][size=6]green [/size][/color]with envy :mrgreen:

Congrats!! :thumbsup:

At least the weeks of running around with a tape measure around my neck and countless sheets of paper strewn around with my scribblings, crossing-out and more scribbling are over for the time being.
It was worth it, though. :??
I really, really enjoy designing, as it turns out.

Congrats! I can’t wait to see them published! :cheering:


Congrats! :thumbsup: Way to go! :cheering: :cheering: Awesome! :happydance:

I can’t wait to see the patterns!!! :balloons:

[size=6][/size]HUGE [size=3][/size] congrats to you!!!


Now I’m going to truly go nuts waiting for the yarn to arrive. I can hardly stand it!
I’ll tell you this much: Some of the items will be knit with CASHMERE.
I can’t wait to see it and touch it… :inlove:

CASHMERE??? I am jealous. :drooling: