I need help on the missing rounds. I started CO 32sts.
RNDS 1-2 *K1,p1;rep from *.
RNDS 1-2 k4,p4;rep from
RND 3 C4R,p4,;rep from
RND 4 k4,p4;rep from
repeat rnds 1-4
RND 8 *k4,p2,p2tog;rep from * 28sts
where is round 9???
RND 10 *k4,p1,p2tog;rep from * 24 sts
where is round 11???
RND 12 *k4,p1,p2tog;rep from * 20 sts
where is round 13???
RND 14 *k4,p1,p2tog;rep from * 16 sts
work 2 more rnds ending with Rnd 4 of cable pattern.
Please explain why I wasn’t able to read this to figure out the missing rounds. Thank you in advance.