Happy 4th of July
I am stuck and my knitting shop is closed for the week. I am knitting the “Twice as Nice Bag” I am a 1 year old knitter and 1st timer on this
The instructions are:
Purse Bottom
Using a single strand, CO 18 sts. Knit 50 rows in Garter Stitch (knit every row)Begin picking up stitches along outside of rectangle bottom in the following order: 25 sts. along one side, 18 sts. along one end, 25 sts. along other side and knit 18 sts. at other end. Total sts. 86. Then you knit in the round. My problem is the process of picking up stitches. I can pu sts
but not sure where to start and how. I’ve tried twice and restarted a third
time but when I end up the yarn end is on the left needle. Can someone please help me?? I hope I have explained it okay.