Picking up stitches for a buttonband

I am wondering if anyone has a formula for calculating the number of stitches to pick up for a button band. I am working on a pattern that has instructions for the number to pick up, but then says that based on the length of the work you might need to adjust the number and then incorporate the buttonholes accordingly. The number given does not give me a band that is long enough to prevent pulling.

The formula that works very nicely is to pick up 3sts for every 4 rows of stockinette and 2sts for every 3 rows of garter stitch. See if that helps.

Depending how much work you want to put I to a buttonband these two rox videos mY also be helpful. The firstnuses the same ratio salmonmac has already given but gives some tops on symmetry on the band

And this second shows how making a swatch for your button band can help on getting just the right gauge. I have previously used the bottom rib of sweater laid next to the edge to replace the swatch but still be able to calculate the right number for my gauge (ie use the gauge you already knit as a short cut) . It also helps avoid flipping bands

Although these techniques might be more than you need or want for this project, sometimes it’s just nice to know there are options.


Thank you both for your help. I followed the formula that salmonmac suggested and it worked perfectly. The video links were also very helpful, especially the fixes for dips and jogs. I won’t have those anymore!
I have to admit that my eyes glossed over with the second video but I will give it some time another day.


One too many videos, I know what you mean, sometimes it’s just too much to watch. Handy to know what tips are out there for the future though.

Good to hear your button band worked out how you wanted.