Some joyful music and a meditative mind helps on these long tinking sessions.
I always tell myself I would not mind knitting forward another 5 rows so why mind knitting backwards 5 rows… it helps me anyway.
I like all the ideas given by everyone so far on how to get back into the stitch pattern after the decreases.
A couple of things popped into my mind last night after I had gone to bed!
They may or may not help, worth saying them just in case
- When you decrease there is a stitch that has been worked sitting on the right needle. Don’t forget this stitch when counting out the stitch pattern.
(A few times I have done a decrease then slipped the stitch back onto the left needle whilst I work out the pattern, name each stitch, then slip it to the right needle as it doesn’t need working again, but as I do I say aloud what stitch it is)
- You could place a marker where the decreases have been made and mark this marker with the number of stitches decreased so that you can glare at it and call out the names of those absent stitches before moving to the next live stitch. A piece of yarn as a marker with a long tail and 3 knots in the tail can denote 3 dec stitches for example. You can touch each knot and say the name of the stitch. Or a single removable marker on the needle with 3 removable markers hanging off it to denote 3 stitches removed).
If it’s any help I got stuck for several days on a lace pattern panel where I repeatedly counted to 3 instead of 4. I couldn’t believe I couldn’t count to 4!! I got there in the end.
With all, the lovely pieces you’ve knitted we all know you can over come this glitch.