Picking up in rib?

How do I add a stitch at the end of the row “in rib”?

This is what the pattern says to do. Do I just add a knit or a purl stitch if the last stitch is a knit or purl? Or do I add a purl stitch after a knit and a knit after a purl?

Best methods?

Also, whenever I add stitches at the end of a row, I have these holes in the knitting. I don’t have this problem with straight knitting.

Hope me!

Is your rib k1 p1, or k2, p2? When you increase at the end of a row it doesn’t have to be the very first or last stitch, you can do it 1 stitch in. What you can do, is inc 1 st in, leaving the very edge stitch in stockinette (k on RS, p on WS). The new sts would be incorporated into the rib pattern (knit the k sts, purl the purl sts).

It’s k1, p1 for the first row and then p1 k1 for the second row.

I pick up a stitch every other row, so the first row I pick up a stitch I have knit stitch at the end (so, picking up the stitch at the end makes that stitch p). The next time I pick up a stitch, the last stitch is p (picked up stitch is k).

I’ve tried as you said previously, and from those stitches on it’s not rib any more. The stitches don’t seem to line up properly.

I pick up a stitch every other row, so the first row I pick up a stitch I have knit stitch at the end (so, picking up the stitch at the end makes that stitch p). The next time I pick up a stitch, the last stitch is p (picked up stitch is k).

When you say that you “pick up at stitch” do you mean you add a stitch (increase)?

If you do it like Sue said just be sure when you get past where you did the edge stitch and increased one that you knit the knits and purl the purls, then you won’t lose your ribbing.

I have added stitches right at the end in ribbing by working front back into the edge stitch. For instance if the edge stitch is knit, I’d knit it in the front loop and purl it in the back loop, then turn and k1, p1, etc.

If the last stitch was a purl I’d purl it through the front loop and then knit it in the back loop. Turn and p1, k1, etc.

Picking up a stitch is not the same as increasing which is what it sounds like you need to do. You need to identify your knit sts and purl stitches (see this thread). That way no matter where or how you increase you can keep the sts in the rib pattern by knitting the knit sts and purling the purl sts. The new sts ‘fit’ in like this… (v is a knit - is a purl, x is the new stitch.)

v-v-v-v-v-v = original row
vx-v-v-v-v-v-xv = make inc sts
vv-v-v-v-v-v-vv = keep new sts in pattern, edge sts stay the same
vxv-v-v-v-v-v-vxv = add more new sts
v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v = new sts added to pattern.

This is what I did with the first earflap but it just looks…off. The diagonal edge looks horrible. I can try to get a picture and upload it this evening.

I forgot to include the link to the knits/purls thread - http://www.knittinghelp.com/forum/showthread.php?t=94500

Yes, a picture may help.

Err, yes. That’s what I’m doing. I end on a knit stitch, so the opposite side is a purl, which means I purl. Got that down.

So, okay. I need to increase one stitch every row. My pattern is co 9 stitches, knit in k1 p1 rib until piece is 5 1/2 in long, at which point I add one stitch to every other row. Let’s say I’m at that point (though really I have about two inches more to go), and I’m working in the row that needs the increase. The last stitch is a purl stitch that in this row I would knit. The stitch before it is a knit stitch that I would purl. If after purling the second to last stitch, I add the new stitch, do I add it as a knit or as a purl stitch, then making the last stitch that should be purled a knit?

The issue I’m having isn’t so much the pattern and understanding knits and purls or even adding a knit stitch to a knit row or a purl stitch to a purl row, but how I add the appropriate stitch in a rib. A purl should come after a knit and a knit should come after a purl. So if I have a stitch to be knitted followed by a stitch to be purled and I want to add a stitch between them, what do I do?

It may be less confusing to not think of the sts as ‘The last stitch is a purl stitch that in this row I would knit’ but to knit them as they look on this row. The last row is done. So when you get to the last stitch you’ve just done a purl and you’re suppose to knit the last one, but you inc then knit. Like this -
k x p k…

So on the next row you look at the sts and can knit the first one, then the new st should be purled so you can keep in the pattern because the 3rd st should be a knit. This will make the edges in garter stitch but that should look okay just for the edges.

Okay. I just tried that and it’s definitely causing me to fall out of pattern…so k x p at the end of the row. New row, p k k, right? It’s not looking good for this pattern. It’s obvious the ends are different from the rest, maybe because the work is so small to begin with…I don’t know. Is there another type or way to increase that may be better?


Got it!

Why does it seem to take 20 tries of doing the same thing to figure it out?

Thanks, all!!!

Always remember you can tame your knitting…
