What photo editing programming do you reccommend? I would love to get one for Christmas.
Photo Editing Program
You know, Picasa is free and it’s very good!
If you would prefer a purchase product Adobe Photoshop Elements is a good one. I haven’t used it, but everyone raves about it.
I use Paint Shop Pro, but I wouldn’t recommend it for beginners.
Photoshop Elements is a good recommendation.
Adobe’s LightRoom has a lot of fans–it’s relatively new.
I ave not used Picasa, but it’s definitely worth a try.
I use paint.net which is also a free product I’m not that into editing pictures, but it’s great for cropping out unwanted things and the like!
Photoshop is one of the absolute best, but it comes with an extremely high pricetag. I’m not sure how I ended up with it, but I love it to death. I was in Washington DC a few years ago and I took some great pictures but there were always gawking tourists in them, so I used photoshop to edit them all out and it looked fabulous
I agree, Photoshop is the best if you want high-end [think like $800!] I got mine from a friend who works in graphic design. Picasa is actually really good if you want a free program. I’ve heard the Gimp is good and it’s also free, but I don’t know that much about it. Elements I used in high school and I wasn’t too impressed with it, but then maybe I’ve been spoiled by Photoshop, lol.
It’s the best for high end programs and professionals, but Photoshop is also highly learning intensive so do consider that. If you just want to edit family and knitting photos I’d go with either Picasa or Elements.
I have Paint Shop Pro, and it is not too hard to figure out.
If you like photoshop, look at gimp.org! There are a ton of tutorials online , and the newest version I’ve heard is more user friendly (haven’t gotten it yet) and of course, it’s free!
I thought there was a Photoshop for about $100? No?
The Gimp is a free, open source editor that is very good. That’s what I use. I use Linux but I know they have put out a Windows version as well.
I have always used Paint Shop Pro…It’s what I started out with and have become the most comfortable with…However, I think Photoshop is better overall than Paint Shop. Paint shop also won’t drain your wallet, it’s only about $100 as opposed to Photoshop, which is hundredS…lol…I’m pretty sure you can dl a free trial of Paint Shop Pro from Corel’s website.
It’s called Photoshop Elements and the program for people who want to edit and play with photos.
I use Paint Shop Pro as well and haven’t upgraded since version 9. It works for me, but it is a little more learning intensive I believe than Elements.
Ah - thanks.
I have an ancient version of Microsoft Picture It that I use. It seems to still work well for me.
We have iPhotoexpress and I love it. I can crop and reduce photos easily and I know a lot of folks here have trouble with that one thing if nothing else. We have had it several years now so I imagine they have some great upgrades. I would highly recommend it for first timers.