Photo Comparisons: Harmony vs OPTIONS: Pgs 1, 3,& 4!

Hi all!

Well, last night I did the fingertip test. I closed my eyes, and pressed the nickel needle onto my fingertip for a second…and then the wood needle. The nickel needle HURT. The wood needle didn’t.

When I look straight down onto the tips of each type, the wood needle is a hair broader than the nickel. So, I guess that makes it less pointy, but from a side view, they look the same. Really, as far as function goes…each should be considered equally pointy.

If you are prone to pushing your stitches off the left needle with your right fingertip…you will hurt yourself less with the Harmony’s.

I think it is just a matter of which type best suits your needs and taste.

If I were to recommend one set over the other to a new person, I would steer them towards the Harmony. The wood needles cover a broader range of function, IMHO.

I took photos of the needles, looking straight down onto the points, but the camera wouldn’t focus on the tips, and the shots were blurry. But, these 3 comparison photos turned out pretty good.

I had such a hard time deciding, but in the end, I had to go with the nickel-plated ones. I’m a metal girl @ heart.

Those are really nice! Though, I can’t help but focus on the quality of the pics…lol…Very nice shots!

ArtLady, this is the most helpful post EVER! :slight_smile: I was just anguishing over whether the Harmonys would be slick enough ('cause I like wood/bamboo needles and they’re all I’ve used so far, but I’ve bought some that are really rough/sticky) for what I like or if I should risk it with the nickel ones, having never really used metal needles before. Well, I am SO pleased to hear that the Harmonys are slick! And the comparison was very helpful. I’m going to have to go check my bank account and see if I can afford these AND food for the rest of the month… :slight_smile:

Great comparisons!! I actually have a set of Harmony DPN’s on order but won’t get to use them first :frowning: My dd has a project she wants to do and I’m mid sock on my size 2’s and so I bought the Harmony US2’s for her to try. I can’t wait to get them and see how they knit in comparison to my current bamboo!

I have the Options set and a few of the Harmony’s and I like them both equally. If I had only one set to purchase I would go with the Options first.

The Harmony knitpicks are absolutely lovely arnt they…I now have both sets and I have to admit that I am totally besotted with the Harmony’s and really dont know how I managed before I had them (Little exaggeration there!!) and they are very pleasing to the eye…very soft and sleek to the touch…what else can I say?

I have the cute On the town knitting bag from Silver and what with that and my Harmony needles inside it I am one very happy lady!!

Another FYI: The photos I posted were the 10.5 needles. The larger sized Harmonys are a little more blunt in appearance. Someone had commented on the blunter tips.

However, the smaller sizes of Harmony are as pointy as they can be.

I will do some photos comparisons of the smaller sizes later for y’all!

I received my Harmony DPN’s the other day. I think I will store them in the packages they came in. They certainly are nice! I don’t knit socks (yet) but sometimes need DPN’s for hats, etc.

My goal for 2008 is: Learn to knit socks, and entrelac! I really [B]must catch up[/B] with the rest of the knitting world! :eyebrow:

wow! that is really neat! i agree with Jan! :heart:


Here are two additional photo comparisons of OPTIONS and Harmony’s tips, in sizes US4 and US8. As you can see, the tips of the Harmony’s are just as pointy as the metal OPTIONS.


US 8’S

thanks for the pic comparisions! i’m just waiting for them to come out with natural-colored bamboos then i’m all about it!

Now I am all nervous.

I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my Options set cause I can’t stand the join on the Boye’s set I have and now am worried I picked the wrong one…I am a finger pusher:aww:

Love my Denise set but needed something I could do Magic Loop on and have some extras for 2 circs…my new fave.

Hi , First i would like to thank you for posting this and may i say what an excellent job you have done posting the pictures.
But While everyone seems to be besotted with these options , I have had an awful time with them. I too have both and they keep coming apart as i work.
While i think they are very pretty, i have come to the conclusion that after about six replacements that i will stick to non interchangable needles.
While i appreciate that they feel and look fantastic , they are of no use if i have to keep tightening them up or they won’t connect back on after they come apart.
I am currently using [COLOR=red]Limey’s [/COLOR]metal circs, which although are not interchangable are brilliant to knit with. The metal coil is lovely and holds it’s position. They have a lovely feel and knit smoothly and are also quite fast to knit with too.
I do not have to stop and put the needle back together every row.
When i buy something , i really do expect it to work properly and for the money i spent on these, i really expected more.
I am happy for those who have not had a bad experience with their options but for those who are unhappy try Limey’s needles …
I also think that for the money that i spent the sets should come with more cables.
This is just my opinion from my experience and i do not want to offend anyone who does love theie needles. :slight_smile:

I have a set of Harmony’s and wouldn’t part with them. I use them mainly for Magic Loop knitting and use a 40" cable. I have yet to have the cable come apart from the needle. (knock on wood) I knit alot of items using fingering and baby yarn and the points are perfect for the fine yarns. :thumbsup:

Hi Rita!

Thanks ever so much for posting your own experiences with OPTIONS for us! I’m not offended, and I don’t think anyone else will be either. You expressed what your own OPTIONS ODYSSEY has been, and I must say…you have really had a rocky road! What a waste of time and money. You must be so disappointed.
I would be, too!

I haven’t had any needle tips come apart; just one purple cable popped out of the socket…but no needle tips have popped out of their own sockets.

We probably all knit differently, holding the wrist and hands a little differently…perhaps some of these subtle differences determine whether or not the tips come loose and come unscrewed as we knit along. Perhaps the climate, the heat, the moisture, etc. of our respective hometowns (and homes) make a difference on the needles.

What are “Limeys” metal circs? Do you mean our Limey, a member here at KH? Does she sell metal circs? Or did she give you some circs?

Knit on Good Woman! :knitting: All’s well that ends well! :thumbsup:

Hi Artlady,
Thanks for your kind info and the ideas that may have caused the problems that i have had with my options.
I was talking about Limey from our KH. She kindly sent me a sample quite a while back and i was so impressed i purchased quite a few more in different sizes.
Even down to a 1.25mm and 1.50mm which options do not have as far as i am aware.
I admire your devotion to the options and if i may suggest that someone may point them out to your threads . You may get a nice little discount or a freebie or even a sample of new needles for all the kind things you say about them. They must have sold many sets to people who read your threads.
I am by no means a person who goes on and on about products but i just felt that i could have my own say and state what needles are comfortable to me just as you have done with the options.
Happy knitting with your options :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for the comparison, Artlady. I have the nickel Options (and I love them), but, I have noticed the glare under my Ott. It really makes knitting dark yarn difficult. I enjoy knitting with wooden needles so I will definitely try the Harmony! Great pictures!


i will try them both! thx! :yay:

I got my sets yesterday and I kntted through 2 movies LOL!! Switched from the nickel to the wood once. I was worried about them coming apart but so far so good. The only thing that is wrong is with the harmony set I got 4 24in cables insted of 2 24s and 2 30s. I e-mailed them haven’t check my e-mail I’ve been in the office ALL day so I’ll see what they say when I finally get home!