Peeping Purl confused

Hey everyone!
Fairly new to this website and clearly to knitting!
I need help understanding a pattern.

I am knitting a scarf with 2 colours A = black and B = Blue. The pattern I took from a book and its named “Peeping Purl” and is as per below:
Note: All sts to be slipped purlwise.
Using yarn A, cast on an odd number of sts.
Row 1 (RS): Using yarn A, k.
Row 2: Using yarn A, p.
Rows 3 and 4: As rows 1 and 2.
Row 5: Using yarn B, k1, *s1 wyib, k1, rep
from * to end.
Row 6: Using yarn B, k1, *s1 wyif, k1, rep
from * to end.
Row 7: As row 1.
Row 8: As row 2.
Rep last 2 rows once more. (I have done all the above, it is the next that I am confused)

  • Row 11: Using yarn B, s1 wyib, *k1, s1 wyib,
    rep from * to end.
  • Row 12: Using yarn B, s1 wyif, *k1, s1 wyif,
    rep from * to end.
  • Rep rows 2–9 to form patt.

From row 11 - I am so confused because my colour B yarn is all the way over in row6 so i have no idea how do I get that over row 11
Can someone help? Did I mess up? Clearly :joy:
Thank you! Waiting for any help!
Sending photo of my pattern here

I think you might have gone wrong here.
The colors are used 2 rows at a time, a right side (RS) and a wrong side (WS). The odd number rows are the RS and the even number rows are the WS.
Colour A rows 1, 2, 3, 4
Colour B rows 5, 6
Colour A rows 7, 8, 9, 10
Colour B rows 11, 12

The rows Work out to there, however there seems to be something going on after this when it says rows 2 to 9 form pattern as Row 2 is a WS row and you need to work a RS row.
Can you check if you made a typo in your message, just in case, or there may be an error in the pattern.

Do you have the name and publisher of the book, or a link to the pattern?
Someone may recognise the book or the stitch pattern.

Hey! Thank you for writing back I have the book with me and the pattern, let me send photos here! does this help at all?17366329115607558446465943692699|900x1200

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Thanks for the book info.
You obviously didn’t make any error in typing the pattern.
I can’t find any errata on this book (well, nothing is coming up in a search) but looking at the stitch pattern it doesn’t make sense to me so either there is something I’m missing or the book has an error.

Perhaps @salmonmac or another member will be able to help with this stitch as it seems like it ought to be a basic slip stitch pattern.

I’ve had a look at the numerous free stitch patterns online and cant find an exact match at the moment, but this one seems similar in the wording in that the colour is off set (the wording in your pattern seems to offset the colour but the photograph has them all in line), maybe you’d like to have a go with this instead?

As I say, it looks different in the photo, but very pretty, if you’re new to knitting it’s somehow hat easier to use a pattern that works rather than one which may have an error.
If you’re not keen on it we might be able to help you find another, or you could try your pattern but repeating rows 1 to 12 rather than 2 to 9.

What do you think?

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Welcome to the forum!
There does seem to be a mistake as Creations noted in the repeat row instructions. It should be repeat rows 1-6 for the pattern as shown in the pattern photo or rows 1-12 for a staggered pattern.
As far as having the yarn way back at the end of row 6, you can cut the yarn leaving a 6 inch tail to weave in later. Start a new end of the light blue yarn at row 11. That’ll work for now without having to rip back. As you proceed, better to carry the light blue up the right edge of the work.
Here’s one way to do that.

Your knitting is very nicely done. Working through different stitch patterns is a good way to learn. I hope that you just happened on one that has an error and that the rest of this book is fine.


Continuing the discussion from Peeping Purl confused:

Thank you both @Creations and @salmonmac for your quick reply and help! I thought I was the one that made a mess and was ready to undo all I did so far. Both suggestions make sense to me and I have saved the new pattern you sent over (maybe I will use it on my next project). I think for now I will cut the yarn B as suggested and continue the work but I made a note on my book in case I forgot that it is an editor error as well.
Again thank you so much for your help and ideas!
Happy Knitting!


You’re welcome.
Hope we get to see a pic of your finished project.