Patterns with skulls, bones or skeletons

My freinds and i are slightly obsessed by bones (we’re palaeopathologists) and i would like to try some colourwork.

any patterns you know of which combine the two?

Here’s a few -

There’s a bunch here

This isn’t two color knitting, but it’s cute.

This one’s pretty popular…

jan, holly, you’re wonderfull. there are some great patterns there. i have to decide how brave i am now!

now if i could find some leg warmers with long bones on … lol

[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=3][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I looked for patterns, too, so I could add an extra surprise to socks for my son. This is like the second stranded colorwork I’ve done and learned that doing it in the round on DPNS is really much harder to keep from getting tight. A hat I worked on was fine till I had to switch to DPNs…[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]

My personal favourite right now is the arrrrgyle pattern…

I made thispattern… it was very easy to do…:happydance:

oooh! maybe this could be adapted to become legwarmers?

How could i have forgotten that pattern! that actually combines two idea i had into one. yay for the Anticraft!