I recently picked up a few copies of older issues of Interweave Knits from eBay. I looked through the sweater patterns and came across one that seemed to me to have redundant words in the instructions, and I’m trying to figure out if it’s just a different way of saying what I think it’s saying or if I’m complete off the mark.
The sweater is fairly box in shape and so I will just give you the gist of the instructions that are making me go :??
I am just going to use the smallest size, which says to cast on 82 stitches. This is for the box of a boxy cardigen that will have a rectangualar back. There’s a lace pattern that you incorporate through-out the patterning. Then the next line says:
[I]Shape Shoulders:[/I] With RS facing BO as foll: BO 28 st for right shoulder, BO next 26 st for back neck, then BO rem 28 stitches for the left shoulder.
The piece I would have just knit would be a retangle. Why don’t I just bind of all stitches, since the 28 + 26 + 28 = the 82 I cast on. There’s no special shaping that I can see. The two fronts are done pretty much the same way.
And beside, won’t doing it the way the pattern says produce the same result anyway? There must be something I’m not seeing here…:whoosh: