Pattern question

I am a little confused on these instructions. Can you help me understand them. The instructions are telling me to:
" Continue to decrease one stich at Neck Edge, every other row, 3 times (which I did);

then it is telling me to decrease every fourth row 11 times AND AT THE SAME TIME decrease one stich at Armhole edge every row 3 times; then decrease every other row 5 times and I shoudl have left 13 stiches left".

I am confused on the 11 times and at the same time to decrease one stich at armhole edge every row 3 times. My question is when do I start to decrease one stich at Armhole edge every row 3 times and when to decrease every other row 5 times.
The book I am using is Cardigans with a conscience.

Start the armhole edge decs on the next row, they’ll be on the other edge from the neck edge decs and will be at different rates.

I am still confused what you are saying. Sorry

When you get to this point in the pattern, begin the armhole decs. They’ll be at one end of the row, the neck dec continue at the other end of the row, but they’re done on different rows. Sometimes it helps to write them out, like in 2 columns with the neck decs in one and the armhole on the other.

Begin your decreases at the armhole after this instruction:
" Continue to decrease one stich at Neck Edge, every other row, 3 times" (which I did)
If you call the first row after these decreases row 1, then you’ll decrease at the armhole on rows 1,2,3,5,7,9,11,13. The decreases at the neck edge are on rows 4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44.
Chack off the rows as you do the decrease to make sure you do all of them and it’ll all work out fine.