Pattern question

I am almost finished with my pattern. Now that I’ve made it to the last section, I can’t figure it out.

(make 1 for front, 1 for back)
Pick up 66 (74, 82) sts along the opposite edge of insert 2 same as for the Bodice. Work the lacy knots pat in reverse (that is from row 16 to row 1) as foll:

Row 1 (RS) Purl (row 16 of pat). Next (inc) row (RS) *[K in front and back of next st] 3 (3, 4) times, k1; rep from * 9 (17, 7) times more, **[k in front and back of next st] 2 (0, 3) times, k1 (0, 1); rep from ** 7 (0, 9) times more, [k in front and back of next st] twice—114 (130, 146) sts. P 1 row. Cont in lacy knots pat as foll: Row 13 (RS) K1 (selvage st), work 16-st rep 7 (8, 9) times, k1 (selvage st). Cont in pat as established and work in reverse until 56 rows of pat have been worked

Row 1 is the only section of the pattern that I don’t understand. Please help.

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What is the name of your pattern and which size are you making?

Lacy Dress is the name and size medium. It’s a Shirley Paden pattern from the 2007 vogue knitting magazine.

Perfect for summer.
Row 1 (which is row 16 of the lacy knots pattern) is a purl row on the RS or public side of the dress. It directly follows the pick up of sts on insert 2. Is that the row you’re writing about?

The next row becomes:
Next (inc) row (RS) *[K in front and back of next st] 3 times, k1; rep from * 17 times more, [k in front and back of next st] twice—130 sts
That gives you an increase of 56sts for the total of 130.

Thank you for the help. I have everything except the inc. k in front and back of next st 3 times K1 and the 17 more times. I know how to kfb. I just need to know which Sts to inc.

*[K in front and back of next st] 3 times, k1; rep from * 17 times more, [k in front and back of next st] twice—130 sts

The row begins with kfb 3 times, then knit the next stitch. That same sequence (kfb x3, k1 ) is repeated 17 more times. Finally kfb, kfb in the last 2 sts.

So kfb in stitch one, kfb in stitch 2, kfb in stitch 3, knit the next stitch without any increase. Then repeat the entire sequence 17 times more. There’ll be 2 sts left, work each as kfb.

Thank you, That makes more sense than what I had thought.

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