I am almost finished with my pattern. Now that I’ve made it to the last section, I can’t figure it out.
(make 1 for front, 1 for back)
Pick up 66 (74, 82) sts along the opposite edge of insert 2 same as for the Bodice. Work the lacy knots pat in reverse (that is from row 16 to row 1) as foll:
Row 1 (RS) Purl (row 16 of pat). Next (inc) row (RS) *[K in front and back of next st] 3 (3, 4) times, k1; rep from * 9 (17, 7) times more, **[k in front and back of next st] 2 (0, 3) times, k1 (0, 1); rep from ** 7 (0, 9) times more, [k in front and back of next st] twice—114 (130, 146) sts. P 1 row. Cont in lacy knots pat as foll: Row 13 (RS) K1 (selvage st), work 16-st rep 7 (8, 9) times, k1 (selvage st). Cont in pat as established and work in reverse until 56 rows of pat have been worked
Row 1 is the only section of the pattern that I don’t understand. Please help.