Pattern Question from a Novice

Hello! I am currently trying to start Berroco Comfort’s Schuyler blanket. I’ve made a cable blanket before, but the instructions for this one are very new and confusing to me, so I would really appreciate the help of anyone who has the time and inclination!

I am currently looking at the “Establish Pat Sts: Row 1” section, in which the work up to the first stitch marker only creates 16 sts (K1, work Row 1 of Twisted Rib Pat over 15 sts, pm). However, I see that when I get to Row 3 of the pattern, I will need to repeat a cable pattern that is worked over 18 sts. How will I do this if I’m not establishing 18 sts between each of my stitch markers in the first row?

Thank you in advance!

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The blanket has an alternative gnoattern, twisted rib pa el then cable then twisted rib pa el then cable and so on.
The set up row has a different number of stitches marked out for each panel section. The cable of 18 stitches will never appear above the twisted rib panel.

You may find it helps to place the markers before eworkung the set up row although personally I find it quite hard to get markers in right after the cast on.
Whether you place them before or during row 1 though, follow the pattern really slowly and carefully, working exactly as written, and the panels will work out as in the pattern picture.

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Thank you so much! I wasn’t thinking about this pattern in terms of panels. I was under the impression that when I got to Row 3 of the pattern, I would just repeat Row 3 of the Cable Pattern for the entire row, since the pattern doesn’t have a Row 3 listed underneath the Twisted Rib Pattern.

But it sounds like when I get to Row 3, I should go back to to the “Establish Pattern Sts: Row 1 (RS)” section, and K1, work Row 1 of Twisted Rib Pat over 15 sts, pm, work Row 3 of Cable Pat over 18 sts, pm, and so on.

Is this correct?

I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out :slight_smile:

Yes that’s it. Once you have placed your markers on the set up row you will maintain the pattern between the markers. Always twisted rib in those panels that are set up as twisted rib and always cable in those panels which are set up for cable.
The 2 patterns are tracked separately but as the twisted rib is only two rows you won’t need a row counter, just right side and wrong side which will be easier to remember.
The cable pattern will run right through to row 22 then repeat.

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This has cleared up so much confusion for me! I am so thankful for your help! :slight_smile:


You’re very welcome.
Do ask if you get stuck again. And maybe you’ll post a pic of your project in progress too, we love seeing pics.