Hello I hope you can help me. I have attached a photo with the highlighted queries. K1 FRONT and K1 BACK. Is it something to do with the cable needle? Many thanks
Pattern query
I think this is just indicating the front of the garment and and the back of the garment. The stitches moved to waste yarn are on hold for sleeves. At this point the 3 stitches on the cable needle have been worked so it is not relating to the cable needle.
Hope this helps
Oh thank you so much, I thought it might have been something simple and I was just overthinking! May I ask another question please. The pattern says to remove the markers. But further down it mentions the markers again. I’m scared I might remove them when I shouldn’t? Thank you
In begging of row 25 put marker at begging of round, second marker is after k29 sm means to slide marker than k1 and put 25 sts on yarn for sleeve. I think that is markers that will left for round 26.