Pattern Query help i'm stuck!

I am currently trying to knit booties for my 15month old.

So far after casting on 30 stitches, I have knitted 21 rows Rib for the top cuff then 6 rows garter stitch.

I then did…

[U]Shape Instep[/U]
ROW1 (RS) K20 and turn
ROW2 K10 turn
Work 18 rows on these 10 sts only for instep.

Which I have done so I now have three sections of 10 sts. Th middle one where I did the 18 rows above.

Now this is where I am really stuck.

[B]Rejoin at base of instep, pick up and K11 sts up first side of instep. K across 10 instep sts, pick up and K11 sts down second side of instep then K rem 10 sts, 52sts
Now I started with 30 stiches and now I need 52. I get that I can pick up one along the two sides to make 11 but where do the other stiches come from?

I am so confused and I probably havent explained myself very well. But any help would be appreciated. Thanks

What’s the pattern and what follows this? It could be there’s a typo and you are suupposed to have 42 sts (pick up 11, 10 on the instep, pick up another 11 and the remaining 10 sts), not 52. Maybe the next couple rows give you some help…

The next section is to Shape the sole.

Row 1-(RS) (K2, K2tog,k2tog tbl,K14,K2tog,k2tog tbl,k2) twice 44 stitches

I think above makes a starting amount of stiches as being 52.

I think they must of missed a bit out. I just dont know.

I am only just starting to understand patterns and the level of details varies greatly, some seem to assume a lot :slight_smile:

Yep, you’d need 52 sts to work the next row. Maybe there’s another 10 sts on another edge somewhere…? If you can link to the pattern, maybe we can look at it and find them.

You have 3 groups of 10 sts, as you note and you’re going to pick up 11 sts on each long side of the instep for a total of 52sts. (There are 10 sts that have been waiting on the needle on one side, 11sts picked up on one side of the instep, 10sts across the instep, 11sts picked up on the other side of the instep, and 10 sts that have been waiting on the needle while you worked the extra rows on the instep.)

Thanks unfortunatly the pattern is from a book and I cant find it on the internet to link to.

Salmonmac that sounds good to me but where do I pick up the stitches or rather when? Do I K1 M1 K1 M1 etc? Or do I make 11 sts then K10, K10 accross Instep, make 11, K10.

Sorry I am obviously new to pattern knitting :slight_smile: I would give up but I have already got to this point and kind of now want to see it through.

Thanks for your help, :slight_smile:

“… where do I pick up the stitches or rather when? Do I K1 M1 K1 M1 etc? Or do I make 11 sts then K10, K10 accross Instep, make 11, K10.”

The directions say to “Rejoin at base of instep, pick up and K11 sts up first side of instep. K across 10 instep sts, pick up and K11 sts down second side of instep then K rem 10 sts.” So you want to start after the 10sts that have been hanging out on one needle which is now in your right hand, pick up 11sts (not really a M1 but a pick up)along the edge of the 18 rows you knit for the instep, knit across the 10 instep sts, pick up 11sts along the other side of the 18rows and finally knit the 10sts that have been waiting on the left hand needle. It seems that before you do this, you’ll need to break the yarn which is still attached to the 10 instep sts put them on a holder or another needle and start with a new end (I think that’s the Rejoin part) at the point where the instep joins the 10 sts that will form the ankle of the bootie. Right now your knitting looks like a T and the rejoin or start is at the inside angle on the right side.

Brilliant I had totally got the wrong idea, you have cleared the fog for me :slight_smile:

Thanks so much.
