I am currently trying to knit booties for my 15month old.
So far after casting on 30 stitches, I have knitted 21 rows Rib for the top cuff then 6 rows garter stitch.
I then did…
[U]Shape Instep[/U]
ROW1 (RS) K20 and turn
ROW2 K10 turn
Work 18 rows on these 10 sts only for instep.
Which I have done so I now have three sections of 10 sts. Th middle one where I did the 18 rows above.
Now this is where I am really stuck.
[B]Rejoin at base of instep, pick up and K11 sts up first side of instep. K across 10 instep sts, pick up and K11 sts down second side of instep then K rem 10 sts, 52sts
Now I started with 30 stiches and now I need 52. I get that I can pick up one along the two sides to make 11 but where do the other stiches come from?
I am so confused and I probably havent explained myself very well. But any help would be appreciated. Thanks