Pattern problem

Hello I am attempting to knit to a Patons pattern but on row 2 and 3 I can only find 52 stitches but I have 53 stitches in the pattern am I missing something?


I’ve just counted those rows 3 times each and can also only find 52 stitches, not 53, just like you.

I hope someone else can find the other stitch for you…or perhaps look further ahead in the pattern and see what stitch count is given later on just in case the 53 is an error and is supposed to say 52.
Good luck

Welcome to the forum!
You start row 1 with 53 sts. At the end of row 1 you’ll have 74sts [gain of 3 + (6x3)=21].

Row 2 starts with 74sts and by the end you have 95sts [3 + (6x3)=21].

Row 3 is 74sts and with the drop of the yarn overs goes back to 74sts.
It’s not until row 6 that the stitch count returns to 53sts. [loss of 3 + (6x3)=21].

What is the name or number of your pattern?

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Thank you for your help.

The pattern number is 4937.

I am a beginner knitter

I have clearly misunderstood the instruction in row one where I have knitted these four stitches into a single stitch thereby keeping the number of stitches constant. I would be grateful if you could explain what I should be doing.

Thanks again

That is going to look so sweet!
In row 1 you knit, purl, knit, purl into a single stitch. This increase before the repeat and within the repeat begins the “puff” described in the directions.
It’s similar to this stitch except that you will add in one more purl before dropping the original stitch off the left hand needle. You should have 4sts in place of one stitch when the increase is completed.

That is completely clear.

Thank you very much :blush:

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This is clearly not my week for maths :slightly_smiling_face: