Pattern parenthesis and brackets !

I have a pattern where I cast on 91 [123] stitches. What does that mean ? Am I casting 91 or 123 stitches?

then I have several rows where I get brackets and parentheis. For example

K8, (P3, K5) nine [thirteen] times, P3, K8
How many times am I knitting 8, then how many times do I purl 3, knit 5 and then I guess I purl 3 and k8 at the end ???

I haven’t knitted in 40 years LOL
Thank you so much , Debbie

Number in brackets are for different size and in parenthesis are the stitches you need to repeat per number of times following it.
For example:
Cast 91 or 123 stitches depend of size. Use highlighter or circle numbers of size you making will be easier to follow pattern.

K8, than p3,k5, p3 k5, p3 k5, …(total of 9 times for size 1) than p3 k8 will give you 91 stitches total.
I hope you will be ok. Just ask again if needed.
What designer and pattern are you making?
Good luck
One more thing- I would recomend using markers for each group of stitches you are repeating, easier to follow and count too. That is in my opinion.

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Thank you. I’m making the larger size baby blanket . So then I’d be using the 123 stitches per your concise explanation, which o super appreciate !! I’m a little rusty since I haven’t picked up needles in 40 years or so ! . This is my pattern. So with your explanation , it appears I’ll use the 123 stitches, , row 1 will be K8, then P3K5, thirteen times, then p3K8. Which will add up to 8 + 104 + 11 = 123 !! Yippee . I understand now . Thank you !!! You were so helpful !!

Katherine Vaughn Designer, Han’s Baby Blanket


Welcome to KnittingHelp!
I’m glad ZKOhio was able to help. Would you please help us by deleting the pattern photo? We can’t post large portions of patterns here due to designer copyright. Just the name of the pattern and designer is enough for us. You can use the pencil icon in the bottom right of your post to edit.

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Thank you. I edited my picture out. I’m so grateful for the help here.


You welcome DebbieP, I was explaining thoroughly to make sure is correct (English is my second language). Noone of most experienced knitters was online at the time and honestly I prefer graphic scheme instead of written (lol).
Dont forget markers for easier countings. Tied loop of yarn different color is good enough to use.
Keep doing good job :+1: and post pictures of finish project if you want, we love to see it​:smiley:

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Thank you so much ! I finally went through my mother’s knitting basket and found oodles of knitting needles and crochet hooks . My beloved mother died last year after 4 years of suffering with dementia . I miss her . But finally had the time to see what she kept in her hobby drawers . Do I decided to put them to work and knit . She taught me when I was a little girl . I’m 69 now . Her grandmother, my great grandmother taught her how to knit and crochet and crewel stitch . My great grandmother was sickly and it was about all she could do with my mother . So my mother passed on those things to me but life got in the way and I didn’t have time to pick it back up . Now I do !! Thanks so much and I’ll post my finished work !


It’s so great when we can continue a family tradition. I’m sorry to hear about your mother but happy that you can continue the knitting craft that she learned from her grandmother.

Im sorry for your pain, i know how is it lost mom myself 22 year ago and still hurt, I’m 62 now.
She thought me all she new.

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It’s lovely you can use your mother’s things and what she taught you, and sit and knit and remember the good times.

We’re here whatever knitting questions you have.