Hi I purchased a pattern from Etsy which was designed by the seller herself, I had a problem with the pattern on the right front and after hours of working out I managed to change the pattern around so the right front mirrored the left front.
Once I finished the back of the cardigan it said to leave remaining 17 stitches on a spare needle which I did.
I have got to pick up 10 stitches on left and right front and then it says to knit across the 20 stitches on spare needle but I only have 17 stitches which the pattern stated when completing the back.
The stitches have to be picked up and knitted in rib, if I work on the 47 stitches that I will have will it make any difference to the rib pattern
Pattern not correct
Is the pattern on ravelry? If you can find it on there have a look at any notes from previous projects.
Have you messaged the designer?
The pattern is from Etsy I have had help from the knitting forum before for this pattern as it is designed by the seller and she wasn’t very helpful the last time I had a problem, I had to change the pattern around on the neck edge of the right front, I’m not an experienced knitter so it took me hours to get the right side mirrored to the left .
Picking up for a rib edge shouldn’t be too hard to work out, I’m sure one of us here can help get this sorted out for you.
What rib pattern is it? 1 x 1, 2 x 2? Something else?
And where does it start and end, is it just around the neck or also a button band down both sides of the cardigan?
Perhaps post a photo of what you’ve got.
If you’re just a stitch or 3 short for the correct rib pattern to work out then you’ll be able to increase somewhere for these.
It is for the neck edge and it doesn’t state what Rib it is I was going to do 1x1 Rib.
The button and buttonhole band are made separately and sewn onto the cardigan after
It says pick up and knit 20 sts across back but I only have 17 sts on my spare needle do I have to increase another 3 stitches, coz the pattern was wrong before I was wondering if it was just another fault by the seller
Yes that’s the one
Oh sorry I thought it said pick up 10 stitches at left and right front neck edge but it’s 15 each side not 10 each side but it’s the back that’s confusing me
The 17 stitches is probably fine as they will all line up with the rib.
I’ve looked at the photo of the patten on the etsy site and can see its 1 x 1 rib, k1, p1. It’s a round neck so it makes sense for you to pick up 1st for each stitch on each side. If this is 15st each side then fine. If you have more or less than 15 stitches across the neck edge (each side) I would perhaps change to pick up 1st in each stitch…
Having an odd number of stitches (eg 47) will turn out symetrical so that you start and end the row with a knit stitch, k1 p1, rep to end and last stitch is knit. This means when you sew on the button band both sides are the same.
Poor customer service to not help with a pattern you have bought which isn’t correct! I won’t be buying from them.
I hope this helps
Thank you for your help, when I do the 2nd row of Rib P1,k1 do I do K1 on the last stitch as well as I do on the 1st row?
The seller gave me my money back for the pattern but you could clearly see that it was wrong as the neck decreasing rows were wrong as some were decreased at the neck edge and some the armhole edge and the sleeves are square, the seller said the pattern has been in distribution for 15 years and no one else has had a problem with it but when I followed the pattern which was all correct until I got to the neck edge the pattern wasn’t correct as the purl was now on the right side of the work and the knit on the wrong side, not very good customer care.
Thank god for lovely people like yourself x
Another quick question not relating to this pattern, I did a cardigan for my friends baby and you can have a round neck or a collar, I have never done a cardigan with a collar only round or v neck , how do you attach the collar to the cardigan? Do you sew it directly on to the neck edge of the cardigan?
On the second row of the rib you will knit the knits and purl the purls. So, reading what you are presented with on the left needle, if it presents as a purl (a bump or line across) then purl it. If it presents as knit (a V) then knit it. This will keep the rib columns correct.
With the collar on the other sweater, I don’t know, it depends on the pattern and what it says. Do you need help understanding the pattern for this? I may be able to help and if hpnot there will be someone else who can help. The name/number of the pattern and a line or two from the part of the pattern you are not sure of would help.
Or do I have to pick up stitches round the neck and make a neckband as on making up instructions it says sew cardigan to cast off edge of neckband
Sorry sew collar to cast off edge of neckband not cardigan that’s my silly phone
Yes, looking at the pattern, I think you need to make the neckband for the round neck and then make the collar.
I’m not sure what the best sewing method would be. You want to sew it so the collar sits flat/down. Maybe blanket stitch.
Or instead of binding off the neckband you might continue knitting to make a fold down collar
This may help
Or perhaps @salmonmac can suggest which method would be best for this.
This is a variation on one of Creations suggestions
It seems to me that it’s easiest to pick up sts starting at the front edge and ending at the opposite edge. Then follow the pattern including the cast offs of 10sts on each side forming the edging for the fronts. Continue with rows in garter stitch and bind off. I’m not sure why it says to bind off firmly. A usual soft bind off seems fine here.
It is a darling sweater. I hope we get to see a photo when you finish!