Pattern Modification

I found a pattern that is for a dishcloth, however, I want to use it for a baby blanket (and use a size 6 to 7 mm needle). It says to use 37 stitches and knit until it is a square. Obviously, this is not going to be enough for a blanket, but I love the pattern. How many stitches will I have to use to make this a correct size for a small blanket?(Usually I make blankets between 150-200 stitches- but I do not know how many to use for this pattern).

Can you give us the name of the pattern or a link to the pattern site?
What is the pattern gauge or what is the finished size?
Please delete the pattern itself due to designer copyright. You can use the pencil icon in the lower right of your post to do so. Many thanks.

I don’t know the name of the pattern, I saw it on pinterest, and I went to the page, and it no longer exists. Maybe I will just have to abandon this idea and find a different pattern :slight_smile:

Could you just do a swatch of the 37 stitches and however many 10 or 20 rows to give you something to measure? Then you could work out how big you want the blanket and how many more of the repeat patterns to put in?
A dish cloth might have had a boarder on the edges which you might not want to repeat mid blanket anyway so from your swatch you could get a good idea of the number of stitches needed for the repeat pattern to keep it symmetrical and add on however many you want for a boarder.

I did some dishcloths recently and noticed something I’ve seen on this site before, they give a number of stitch multiples and a plus, like 4+2. Perhaps you’ve jotted down somewhere what the pattern stitch number was so you can see the multiples needed?

Oh, you could still use this pattern. Figure that a dishcloth is about 6 inches wide and you have a pattern that’s a 2 stitch repeat plus borders. You’ll probably want to make the borders wider for a blanket, maybe 5sts per edge. A swatch with your yarn and needles as Creations suggests would confirm the width.
Casting on about 186sts for example would give you 5sts on the right edge with 176 in pattern and 5sts on the left edge. That’s about 30 inches wide which is a reasonable width for a baby blanket. (I’d break with the pattern using these numbers. I wouldn’t count the final k2tog as part of a garter stitch border.)