Pattern interpretation help please?

I’m working on the Draw cardigan by Amy Christoffers and am a bit confused over a particular instruction. Here’s the portion causing confusion:
Rep Inc Row every RS row 10 times more (total of 11 repeats), every 4th row 3 times, then every RS row 10 times more.
WS rows are straight purl.

The bit throwing me is “every 4th row 3 times”. I initially thought that should be “every 4th RS row 3 times” (a total of 24 rows including the WS purled rows).

OR should I count the WS row after the 11th Inc Row as row 1 of “every 4th row”?

What do you think? Thanks!

Very good looking cardigan.
Count the WS rows as well for the “every 4th row 3 times” directions.
If you increase every other row starting with row 1 to row 21 then every 4th row would be rows 25,29,33 and 37. Then you would continue with every every RS row.


I suspected my original inclination was incorrect. Thankfully I only need to rip back a few rows. Thanks for your help!

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@okckwilter I think salmonmac got a bit carried away counting in 4s and it should just be 3 times, not 4, then every RS row. 25, 29, 33, then 35 37 39…

(I got carried away counting in 2s the other day, I was supposed to be counting in 3s!)


Quite right. It should be rows 25,29 and 33 then on to every RS row. Many thanks!

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Thanks for the clarification but I caught the gist of salmonmac’s original response. Unfortunately this pattern doesn’t number each row, just states number of repeats. So in my self-challenge to learn knitCompanion, I’m simply keeping track of number of repeats. Thanks again for your time and assistance!


Let us know how you like knitCompanion. I’ve often seen it recommended but have yet to try.

I will! So far, I like it a lot but old habits die hard. I’ve used paper patterns, full of my pencil marks and notes, for a very long time and getting used to KC is going to take a bit!