Pattern instruction help!

I started working the new cotton top tonight fron lana grossa. I think there is an error in the cast on. the pattern reads " Front: cast on 116(124) sts and work between edge sts 3 cm or 1 1/8" in rib pattern. Cont in eyelet pattern, starting with 6 sts for patt g, rep patt g and end with 6 sts after patt g.".

So, the eyelet pattern repeat is 20 sts according to the chart.
If I’m correct then that means there is 1 edge stitch, then 6 of patt g stitches, then 5 eyelet chart repeats equaling 100 stitche
, followed by 6 patt g stitches (are these the last 6 of the eyelet repeat or beginning 6?) and 1 ending edge stitch. This give me a total of 114 stitches.

What am I doing wrong? Is this incorrect? This is my first time working with a chart, and I’;m a lefty!!

Please help!!!

Could you type in the sts for pattern g? That may help us figure out how to count it.

I will attach links to the pattern, instead of typing the stitches

The chart image is on the page below as well as the instructions.

above is the link for the chart and the webpage with the instructions

The pattern repeat is 8 sts, not 6. The edge sts are included in the chart - edge st, k1, ssk, k2, yo, then repeat the next 8 sts as many times as you need until you have 6 sts left and finish with yo, k2, k2tog, k1, edge st. That workst out to 114 sts - 8x13 = 104 plus 6 stitches before and after.

okay the math works but…

so, next question, i continue as above until row 11? Then I refer to chart for row 13, 15, etc?

Do you have any good chart reading instruction links?

Row 11? Do you mean that’s how many rows 1 1/8" of ribbing would be? Work the rib pattern for however many rows get you the measurement, then switch over to the chart, which starts the row count over at row 1. When you get to the top of the chart, repeat it over again, several times until you’ve worked to 13 3/4", then begin the armhole shaping.

Here are several chart reading sites that may help:

See if one appeals to you.


I mean as I work up past the first 11 rows of the chart, at row 13 the first 6 stitches of chart are different than rows 1,3,5,7,9 &11 below. the pattern changes a bit here, right?. AND the middle 8 sts are the repeat section all the way up,right? the outside 6 are the border too, all the way up, right?

Thanks, sorry, a newbie to charts…

so row 13 would be starting 6, edg st, k1, 1yo, k2tog, k2, then the repeat k2, k2tog, 2 yo, ssk, k2, until last 6 and then k2,k2tog, 1yo, k1, edg st. and so on up the chart. Is this right?

I see, yes, the st placement does change at row 13, to offset the motif. But continue working the chart as shown - the edge st, the first sts, the repeating 8 sts, then the last sts. I think the edge st is included in the 6 sts, btw, it’s not edge, 6 sts, lace pattern, but edge, 5 sts, lace patt. The YOs don’t use a st in case you think it’s a wrap and a knit; they’re just wrap the yarn and do the next st on the chart.