Instructions read:
Shape Neck: At neck edge, dec 1 st. At neck edge of every second row, rs facing, dec 1 st 8 times. At neck edge of every 4th row, dec 1 st 11 times. [B]At the same time,[/B] when piece measures 24 1/2" above rib, end rs of work.
I’m working on a cardigan. I got stuck in this part. my pattern calls for 71 stiches. I typed the intructions as they are in the pattern. My queistion is do I need to decrease every 2nd row and them every 4th row and then 2nd then 4th and so on (interchanging in 2nd and 4th rows back and forth)?.
Thanks for your time. I hope you understand my confusion. Unfurtunatly I do not have an expert knitter near me. I taught myself how to knit. :knitting:
Thanks a million for your help.
Durfay (NY)