Pattern I don't understand

Cast on 71 sts.
Knit 6 rows in stockinette stitch.
[color=red]Knit 18 rows on the first 22 sts in stockinette st.
Thread yarn through sts & draw up tight, secure.
Join yarn to next 27 sts & knit 30 - 36 rows in st. st.[/color]

The red part of this pattern is the part that has me stuck. I understand WHY but not HOW. Any help? Thanks~ Brooke

I think we need to hear the why, in order to give you the how. This is a new one to me!..

(I have a picture of what it sounds like they want you to do, but I feel compelled to double check, because I can’t imagine WHY they’d want you to do it!) :??


Well… :blush: It’s for a weenie warmer for my hubby’s birthday. :blush: ~Brooke

:rofling: :rofling: :rofling:

I thought it sounded like a hood or POUCH.

Well are you just gonna laugh at me??? :shock:
I thought you were better than that.

:rofling: :rofling: :rofling: ~Brooke

Wellll…YEAH! :shifty:

Actually, if you can post a link to the pattern you are using, Ill try to be a LITTLE more helpful…


Ok Here is the link. Just scroll down and the pattern is there.

Thank You, :notworthy: ~Brooke

Im workin on it, Brooke! I 'm making one, too, while we’re at it!

I think that on the 7th § row, Im going to knit the first 22 sts, then either transfer the rest to a st holder or leave it on the original needle & bring out one of my other (crappy plastic) 8’s, turn the work, & continue w/the 18 required rows.

Then, Im going to try to join back to the main body of work, similar to the way you would join on circs & knit 30-36 rows on the next 27 sts.

I think when you then do that 2nd join, it makes the “pouch” part…then I am visualizing that when you knit the 18 rows on those last 22 sts, those 2 ends are the ones you would seam to make the “weenie” part of the warmer.

Let’s see how it goes!! We need to transfer this to the April KAL challenge for our KNOTTY submission! :eyebrow:

Ill take pics as I go along & show you what Im doing…we’re in this TOGETHER, now, sister!

Great,I just finished the stockineete st rows. All 6 of them.
I have to knit this in secret b/c it’s surprise for hubby. He went out for a few hours tonight so I thought it was a perfect time to start!
Thanks Kelly! ~Brooke

So how long is it going to be? :twisted:

OK - Im kinda figuring this out as I go along, but here are the pics of what I have done so far & Im seeing better how this is going to come together…

Kelly that’s awesome. I just need to get another size 8 needle. Then I’m good to go I guess. ~Brooke

OK - here’s the MIDDLE SECTION :eyebrow: knit & drawn up…the long seam that I will eventually sew is open toward you. I have one more pouch half to knit…Im worried I dont have enough yarn! This was left over from my MILs purse/scarf. If I have to buy a whole other ball of Jewelbox just to finish this weenie warmer…well, I will. :oops:

Ok here’s what I have so far. It looks different than Kelly’s. I didn’t take the first ‘pouch’ off the needle after I knitted it. So now I’m working with 4 needles. It looks like I should have taken it off. I still can though.
Many Thanks To Kelly. :cheering:

When you thread the needle through the sts on the first pouch half & draw the sts tight, it will look just like mine!

[size=2]Do you WANT it to?[/size]

Kelly said

Do you WANT it to?

Yes Why not??

Ok here’s the final product. ~Brooke

CUTE! I like the way you did the sack in garter st! That looks GREAT! Are you gonna do the crochet part for the straps?

[color=olive]WHAT is that supposed to do? why would you or he wear that? :oops: [/color]

Kelly Yes. I might even do an i-cord, just to get the practice.
cpolitte,I don’t know what it’s supposed to do. Keep it warm I guess. I highly doubt he will wear it more than once,and that’s just to humor me. And for a good laugh. ~Brooke :rofling: