Pattern Help

Working on the FRONT part of this pattern and it says to work the same as the back. So I’m confused as to what point do I work the same as the back.


Work same as back until armholes measure5(5-5½-5½-6-6½)", end on WS - 72(82-90-100-108-118) sts. Mark center 18 sts on last row.

Shape Neck: Next Row (RS): K to first marker, join another hank of yarn and bind off center 18 sts, k to end. Working both sides at once, bind off 2 sts at each neck edge twice, then dec 1 st at each neck edge every RS row 10 times. When all decs have been completed, work even on 13(18-22-27-31-36) sts each side if necessary until armholes measure 8(8-8½-8½-9-9½)", end on WS. Shape shoulders same as back.

Working on the following pattern:

Work the entire front the same way you did the back until the armholes are the length given for your size. That would include the underarm and armhole shaping. Then you will be shaping the front neck which is lower than the back neck so you follow the next instructions.

Do I do ‘Dec Row (WS)’ from BACK?

I don’t understand what you mean - the back is a separate piece. You would have got it all finished and are working the front the same until 5 or 6" from the armhole shaping. If you’re just looking at the pattern and haven’t started yet, then by the time you get to this point you should be able to understand it better then.

Work the decrease row the same as for the back. Mark the row for the armholes, the same as for the back. On the back (for the first size) you continued for 8" after the dec row, but for the front, only continue for 5" (again for the first size). When you get to the 5" point, mark the center 18sts and start the directions for the front neck shaping.

I finished the decs and I have 13 sts each for each shoulder. The directions say, ‘Shape shoulders same as back’. I’m not sure at what point in the directions for the back do I do the shaping of the shoulders because the sts are not the same from when I was working on the back side.

Here’s what the instructions for the back shoulder shaping say after you’ve bound off at the beg of a rown and the center neck sts:
“Working both sides at once, bind off 5 sts at beg of the next row, then 4 sts at beg of the next 4 rows.”

That will work to BO 5 sts at the beg of the next 2 rows, then 4 at the beg of the next 4 - that takes care of the 13 sts you have remaining on each shoulder.