Pattern Help?


I am very new to knitting. This pattern that I am working on from the Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino book is only my second ever project. It is the pink sandals on page 43.

I have gotten to a certain point on the first sandal and I cannot seem to make sense of it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am currently at the part where I have knit the strap and then the directions read as follows:

-With right side facing, rejoin yarn at base of strap, k up 12 sts along side edge of strap. Turn and cast off knitwise all sts at this side of strap.

-With right side facing, rejoin yarn to top of other side of strap, k up 12 sts along side edge of strap, then k rem 20 sts. Cast off knitwise.

My first question is on the first part where it tells you to knit up 12 stitches turn and then cast off all stitches. Am I only casting off the 12 or all on the strap?

My second question is from the second part of the directions where you knit up the 12 stitches and then knit remaining 20 stitches. There won’t be 20 stitches remaining so how can I knit the remaining 20 stitches?

Thank you for your time.

Just cast off the 12 sts on that side of the strap. Then you pick up and knit 12 sts from the other side of the strap and bind them off. I’d do it all in one go - starting at the base of the strap, pick up 12 sts along one side it, a couple or so for the narrow edge, then down the other side, turn and BO. You could also BO as you go - pick up 2 sts, lift one over, pick up another, lift over, etc. If you want a narrower strap.

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Thank you so much for your help! I have the strap part finished, but it’s this last part that is giving me trouble. It says:

With right side facing, beg and end within 9 sts of back seam, k up 18 sts along heel for ankle strap.

Next row - Cast on 22, k to end, turn and cast on 4 sts.

Buttonhole row - K to last 3 sts, k2tog, yf, k1. K 2 rows. Cast off.

-I am not really understanding what it means to beg and end within 9 sts of back seam and then to k up 18 sts along the heel. And then to cast on 22? Is that on top of the 18 sts? I think I get the buttonhole row, but the rest makes no sense to me. This is the end of the first bootie and I would LOVE to finish it!

Please and thank you!

" beg and end within 9 sts of back seam,"

Start picking up 9 sts away from the back seam and end 9 sts on the other side of it. Yes, then CO 22 sts, turn and knit across all 40 sts (18+22) then CO 4 sts for the button tab. Turn and do the next row with the buttonhole at the long end of the strap.

Last two questions, I hope. Last line says to:

Fold front strap over ankle strap and slip stitch cast off edge in place. Sew on button.

How do you slip stitch? How do you sew a button on your knitting?

Slip stitch is just an overhand sewing stitch similar to the stitch used to sew any hem. You can sew buttons on with a matching thread. Make sure the burron is really secure since this is a baby item and no matter how difficult, babies will put anything into their mouths.

It sounds like they mean a crochet slip stitch; that’s often used in knitting patterns to attach edges or pieces together.