Pattern help

So I finally got going on:
And, after row 35, it says:
[B]Row35:[/B]k1 tbl, k2 | yo, k7, yo, (k3 tog. yo, k7, yo) rep across to next marker | k2, sl1 wyif, turn. = [I]45 stitches[/I]

repeat Rows[B] 29-35[/B] for pattern

So… my question is, do I go directly from completing row 35 to starting row 29? Or do I put a WS row([B] k1 tbl, k2 | p to next marker | k2 sl1 wyif, turn.) in between?[/B]

Put the wrong size row in as called for earlier in pattern. All wrong size rows are worked the same.

Put the WS row between–consider it Row 36.

Thank ya much, ladies!! :muah: