Pattern help

I’m kind of confused about a pattern I’m following for a vest.
With the right side facing, from left to right I have:
6 stitches, cable over 19 stitches, 41 purl.

The pattern is asking me to decrease 1 st for front edge (before cable pattern) on 2nd and alt rows 6 times, then every 4th row 5 times, while cont in pattern.

So, if I’m understanding correctly, I’ll be decreasing on the wrong side rows (as the wrong side rows are the second and alternate rows) and I’ll decrease 11 stitches. However, I only have 6 stitches before my cable, so I’ll be taking stitches away from my cable, right? Does this mean that I shift the cable over, or just use fewer stitches for the cable?
For instance, if my cable is supposed to be k9, p1, k9…after I decrease the 11 stitches am I going to be k4, p1, k9?

Also, after I’m done decreasing the pattern tells me to knit one row even…so based on what I’m doing, the last row of a decrease is a WS row, I knit one even, a RS row…then the pattern tells me that I should be on a RS row…but I’m actually on a WS.

I really appreciate any help anyone can offer…I know it’s hard to help when you can’t see the work and pattern. Please let me know if I can clarify anything.

Your question is too difficult for me to offer any help, but I’m thinking it will help the experts to know which pattern you are using.

Do you have the name of the pattern, and designer?
Is there a link to the pattern on the internet?

Are you sure the 2nd row is a WS row, and not the RS? OR… Are you sure you decrease on the side of the row with the 6 sts before the cable and not on the other end of the row. Do you have a link to the pattern, or could you post the part that concerns the cable and decreases? It’s possible you’re misreading the pattern.

I can’t find a free link to it, but it’s Patons book 500846CC (Cables) #4 Long Vest. I’ll scan the page I’m working on and post it.

A picture of what it’s supposed to look like would help too.

If the cable remains vertical and ‘disappears’ into the neckline then your decs would be worked into the cable. (At some point you would stop working the actual cable twists and most likely work Ks for remaining rows.) However, if the cable winds up along the neckline, then the decs would be done in the P sts of the body portion, thereby shifting the cable over.

Yes, a picture should help resolve what needs to be done.


Think I may have found image. If the one in lower right looks like cable follows neckline, and distance is constant, so decs in the Ps. Perhaps you can gauge better upon looking at actual pattern.


Ok so here’s the pattern (after a long fight with my printer)

It looks to me like the cable kind of disappears into the neckline eventually…but when I did the decreases the way I thought it read, it just doesn’t look right to me.

I’d just follow the pattern. It looks like you just stop cabling at some point as the edge stitches are decreased.

Ok, so then how do I know when to stop cabling? I think I should’ve done that already as the edge looks kind of funny to me.
Also, any thoughts on why the pattern tells me to work one row even and assumes I should end with a WS row when I end with a RS one?

Personally, unless indicated in the pattern, I’d stop when the twist will fall immediately adjacent to the neckline…meaning no interim sts… causing it to pull. You want the neckline to lie flat and have smooth Ks from the cable flowing into it. The horiz pull of the cable twist, right next to the neckline might cause an indentation. Does that make sense?


It does make sense because I can see that indentation happening in my work. I continued the cable pattern and it looks like it’s kind of “melted” into the edge, instead of leaving a flat edge.

So then, I am reading the pattern correctly?

WS dec
WS Dec
WS dec
WS dec
WS dec
WS dec
WS dec
WS dec
WS dec
WS dec
WS dec

so…now I work one row even (a RS row) and when I start again I’m on WS…but the pattern says I should be on RS. Should I just work another row to get to the RS?