I’m kind of confused about a pattern I’m following for a vest.
With the right side facing, from left to right I have:
6 stitches, cable over 19 stitches, 41 purl.
The pattern is asking me to decrease 1 st for front edge (before cable pattern) on 2nd and alt rows 6 times, then every 4th row 5 times, while cont in pattern.
So, if I’m understanding correctly, I’ll be decreasing on the wrong side rows (as the wrong side rows are the second and alternate rows) and I’ll decrease 11 stitches. However, I only have 6 stitches before my cable, so I’ll be taking stitches away from my cable, right? Does this mean that I shift the cable over, or just use fewer stitches for the cable?
For instance, if my cable is supposed to be k9, p1, k9…after I decrease the 11 stitches am I going to be k4, p1, k9?
Also, after I’m done decreasing the pattern tells me to knit one row even…so based on what I’m doing, the last row of a decrease is a WS row, I knit one even, a RS row…then the pattern tells me that I should be on a RS row…but I’m actually on a WS.
I really appreciate any help anyone can offer…I know it’s hard to help when you can’t see the work and pattern. Please let me know if I can clarify anything.