I purchased the Erica Knight Hiker sweater pattern by download a few years ago. After recovering from health issues I’ve recently begun working on it. Even though i am able to access the pattern, the link to the “Information Page” no longer works. So I’m missing crucial information such as how to put the final pieces together and reference material and tips. I’m an advanced knitter so I can common sense my way through it. But does anyone know of this pattern or have the information page? I went back to the site where I purchased the pdf pattern but it says it is no longer available.
Pattern help
I found the pattern on Ravelry. Did you buy it there? You can check project notes. Can you contact the designer? Beyond that I can’t help.
Rhe knit rowan website has a contact form, perhaps you can ask them about how to get those additional pieces of information? Here’s a link
Good to hear you have recovered from health problems, great news!
Ok I will! Thank you!
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