Pattern help

40 442 5 in 24 5 (25:28:32) em ending with ws facing. 33 modsures o

(10:11:12.5) in, 21.5 (25:28:32) cm ending with ws facing.



Cast off 3 (3:3:4) sts, patter to end. Dec 1st at neck edge on next 3 (3:3:4) rows. 9

(11:13:13) sts.

*Continue until work measures same as back to shoulder shaping ending with rs facing.


Cast off 4 (5:6:6) sts in pattern at beginning of next row and rem 5 (6:7:7) sts on following alt

Hi please can you help with the above where marked. I’m struggling since my mini stroke memory wise. I do want to carry on knitting though. Can you please advise. It may easy to some but I’m a bit confused.

Thank you so much

What is the name of your pattern and the designer?
Which size are you making, first, 2nd, 3rd or 4th?
For the first size for example, with the WS facing, cast off 3sts at the neck edge.
Work to the end of the row in pattern stitch, turn and work toward the neck edge.
Decrease one stitch at the neck edge at the end of the row, turn, decrease one stitch at the beginning of the row and pattern to the end of the row.
Turn and work to the neck edge again where you decrease one stitch. You should have 9sts.

Continue on 9sts until the front is the same length as the back to the beginning of the shoulder shaping. End with the RS facing.
Cast of 4sts at the armhole edge.
Work to the end of row, turn, work back to the armhole edge, turn and cast off the remaining 5sts.

If you need help with another size, just let us know.

Thank you very much x

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