Pattern help!!!

Please can someone help me! It’s my first time knitting trying to read a pattern rather than follow a YouTube video and I’m so confused 🫤 the pattern has 3 different panel patterns as shown in first picture. Second picture shows what I have done thus far…

The question…

when it says “these two rows form pat. Panel pats are now in position, cont in established pat until work measures…” does it mean keep repeating rows 1&2 over and over again or do I move up a row on the panel pattern each time? I think the latter as I can’t find anywhere else in any of the instructions that mentions any of the rest of the panel pattern.

Hopefully that makes sense and someone can help a very confused novice

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Move up a row each time. What is means by “these two rows form pattern” is the purls and knits between the panels.

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Thank you, so given I have to do 17 inches of this would I repeat from rows 1-4 in panel A for example the entire way through or just rows 3-4? Sorry if that’s a stupid question

You repeat the entirety of Panel A. Each row you move up one row for each panel and go back to be beginning once you’ve completed the panel pattern. So on your 15th row, you’ll do the third row of Panel A and the 15th row of Panel B and the 7th row of Panel C.

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I made this sweater. There’s a video knitting tutorial to help along.

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Oh my god! Could you send me a link?? Or point me in the direction of where to find it? I will definitely need it I think!

Sorry, I think they deleted it for some reason. It’s in my YouTube history but when I search it’s gone. Patons Knit-A-Long
I originally watched it on
Patons Knit-A-Long | Lesson One | Honeycomb Aran Knit Sweater