Please can anyone explain this to me? (See attached) I have read it over and over and just can’t grasp what I am supposed to do!
Many thanks in advance for any help/advice.
Ps I hope the attachment works as I have no idea what I am doing!!
Pattern help
What is the name of your pattern?
Sounds like you’re working with two strands of yarn for this neckline. You’re going to use one strand to wind a small ball of about 5.5yds. Cast on 16sts onto 2 needles, 8sts per needle. This seemsl like it might be eaiest to cast onto 2 dpns.
First, work with the last 8sts cast on, the ones that have the yarn strand from your small ball coming off the tip. The other 8sts go on a holder for later.
Now work rows 1 and 2 over the first 8sts, the ones on the needle not the holder, according to stitch pattern given for the given number of rows. When finished break the yarn leaving about a 6" tail.
Now you’ll get to the 8sts on hold and work them as given for the WS, RS rows. Use the yarn from the main ball of yarn (rather than the small ball that you wound in the beginning).
Thank you so much for your reply, that is very helpful. I think the more I read it the more confused I got! The pattern is called Bindweed by life is cosy on Lovecrafts. Once again many thanks.
See how it goes and come back if it’s still confusing. There may be another way to work this.
Beautiful cardigan!