Pattern help

Hello, I am a little bit stuck again🙄 I’m up to the bit where it says decrease one stitch at each edge of the next and every right side row! Does that mean decrease at each side or just the right side? Thank you!

The photo didn’t post but according to your post, it’s a decrease of one stitch at each edge. That means at the beginning and at the end of the row, two decreases per decrease row.
Are you working on the back?

hi yes I am working on the back now thank you!
What fo I do with the bit that says decrease one stitch as set above at each edge of the next and every 4th row? The 4th row wouldn’t be a decrease row but a purl row, will I decrease in purl?

If you call the first decrease row, row 1 then the decreases are on rows 5,9,13,17,21 and so on. They would all be knit rows.
If they occured on purl rows (they don’t) you could always switch them to knit rows. No one is going to count up your rows between decreases and shake a finger.

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