Hi - I’m confused about the decreases in the following pattern…
Cast on 153 stitches
Row 1 k1 tbl, *p1, k1 tbl, rep from * to end
Row 2 p1, *k1, p1 rep from * to end
These 2 rows form rib
Continue for 19 rows
Row 22 rib 7, rib2tog, (rib 6, rib2tog) 17 times, rib 8 - 147 Stitches
Can someone confirm firstly what rib stitch is for Row 22? Is it k1 tbl, p1, p1, k1?
Then given I start with Row 22 at 153 stitches and end with 147 a total decrease of 6 stitches I don’t understand how that can work as I read the pattern for Row 22 as having 18 rib2togs so a decrease of 18 and not 6? Help!