Pattern help

Ive done the heart motifs but when I get to continue as follows dec 1st each end etc I dont know if I’m suppose to keep to heart pattern as cardigan only has 1 row on picture now place Heart Motifs as follows:
next row (rs) K9 [11: 13: 15], work next 13 sts as row 1 of Heart
Motif Chart, K11 [13: 15: 17], work next 13 sts as row 1 of Heart
Motif Chart, K9 [11: 13: 15].
next row P9 [11: 13: 15], work next 13 sts as row 2 of Heart
Motif Chart, P11 [13: 15: 17], work next 13 sts as row 2 of Heart
Motif Chart, P9 [11: 13: 15].
These 2 rows set the sts – 2 Heart Motifs with st st (stockinette st)
between and at sides.
Keeping sts correct as now set, working rem 14 rows of Heart
Motifs, cont as follows:
Dec 1 st at each end of next and 2 foll 6th rows. 49 [55: 61: 67] sts.
Work 1 row, ending after Heart Motif Chart row 16 and with a
ws row.
Now working all sts in st st (stockinette st), beg with a K row,

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What is the name of your pattern? Maybe this one?

Keep working the heart motifs as you decrease at each end of the decrease rows (3 decrease rows with 5 rows without decreases between). The decreases won’t require changing the hearts.

The name is rosy garden set.

This is what I thought but photo of cardigan only shows 1 row of hearts!

Thanks so much for the link. I’ve knit this sweater myself and loved the way it turned out.

So forget what I said about continuing the heart motif. That was wrong. In this pattern the heart motifs are only worked in that one section of the body of the sweater just before decreases and then the raglan shaping. You won’t work another repeat of the chart.

So do I just do another 16 rows stocking stitch with decreases and then do armholes?

Once you finish the chart, ending with row 16, a WS row, work 2 more rows then begin the raglan decreases. You don’t need to work a further 16 rows.
While you are working the heart motif you will also be slightly shaping the body of the sweater with the decreases every 6 rows for 3 times. That’ll be decreases at each end of rows 1, 7 and 13.

You’re a star thankyou been wracking my brains out for 2 days🙄only just got back into knitting after 30 year break so little rusty this is 7th project and thought it might been step too far!

You’ve got this! Glad you’re back to knitting. It is great fun.

Just another thought if I decrease stitches while doing pattern I will have to also take that into the equation won’t I?

Yes, you’ll have to consider that you’ve decreased one stitch at each end in the decrease rows. The easiest way to work this is to mark off the 13stitches of the chart on the first row. You’ll knit sts, place a marker then knit the first 6 sts of the chart before the yarn over. Place a marker at the end of the chart and then repeat for the second heart motif. That way you won’t have to worry about how many sts, just work the chart within the markers.