I am a fairly new knitter that has been working on a pattern for making a tank top, knitting right to left (and vice versa since its a wrap top). I’ve completed the front panel and am now moving into knitting the side and back of the shirt, which involved setting the top third of my stitches (boob area lol) aside on a piece of yarn to come back to and complete edging afterwards.
Anyways, not sure if that context is relevant or too much info no one needs haha but now the pattern seems fairly simple: knit the stitches remaining on my needles as long as it takes for the back panel to measure wide enough for me.
Except my pattern says “With the right side cast on 3 new sts on right needle with Provisional cast on” before beginning my next row. From all that I can find so far, there are only tutorials for provisional cast on at the beginning of a project, and I can’t seem to figure out how to do a provisional cast on while in the middle of a project (Is it the same thing?) The provisional cast on that they recommended we use is the one that uses waste yarn.
The pattern is also in Norwegian and I’ve translated the line using a translator, so here’s the original line in case the translation is wrong!
“Med rettsiden legges det opp 3 nye m på høyre pinne med Provisional cast on”
Thank you so much in advance for your time for reading this long post and any help if you can offer it!