Pattern Help - Decreasing stiches on back armholes

Please can I have some adivse on which method to decreasing stiches. Below is a section of my pattern for the back section of a cardigan on shaping armholes.

Cast off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows.
Work 2 rows dec 1 st at each end of every row.
(Pattern in stockinette - starting Rs)

Following the cast off. Am I to decrease my stiches by casting off 1 at each end. Or, am I to use either k2tog/ p2tog/ ssk/ ssp twin methods?

Thank you.

It’s best to use the decreases at each end especially since the decreases here are on every row. The k2tog/ p2tog/ ssk/ ssp twin methods work nicely.

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Thank you so much. Follow up question of you dont mind.

With the twin method is it best to do it at the start of the rows or, knit/ purl 2 stiches first before decreasing. I have never tried myself but heard can making a nice edge for seaming garmet together at the end?

Thank you

I like to make the decreases one stitch in from the edges. I prefer that but I’ve also seen and tried 2sts in from the edges. It’s really your preference. Maybe try both out on a swatch just to see which appeals to you.