Pattern help completely confused beginner!

Hi everyone! New to the forum, I’m super confused about this pattern, I’ve never had to shape a neck before, it’s a teddy bear jumper.

  1. When it says “K5(6), k2tog, turn and complete this side first.” Does this mean when I go to do this row, I just do those first 7 stitches, turn my row, then knit as normal to finish the row?

  2. When it says: “Dec I st at neck edge on next 2 rows. Work 3 for neckband. k2tog, knit to end.
    rows straight.” Does this mean I decrease the stitches of 2 rows and then complete one as normal, or do I decrease the stitches of two rows and then knit three rows as normal?

Thank you!

Welcome to the forum!
Work the sts for your size, k2tog then turn. You can leave the other sts on the left needle and just ignore them for now. Once you turn, decrease at the neck edge and work to the armhole edge. On the next row, knit to the last 2sts, k2tog. You’ll have completed the “Dec 1 at the neck edge on the next 2 rows.”
Now work 3 rows with no decreases and on the next row bind off all sts.

The next directions are for the neckband and the other shoulder. If you need help with those just come back and ask. Good for you for venturing into sweater shaping!

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Thank you so much omg!!! Cant wait to finish my first little project <333

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Hi!! I’m so sorry I’m so confused again! I’ve knitted the 6 stitches and knitted two together, I’ve turned my work and I’m really confused what I do next. I’m on the purl side but I’m supposed to knit? Sorry, I have no idea what I’m doing lol!

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Once you’ve turned, purl2together then complete the row by purling 5sts. You’ll have 6sts on the needle.
Turn as normal at the end of this row and knit 4sts the k2together. You’ll have 5sts on the needle.
Work 3 rows without any decreases on these 5sts. That’s a purl row, a knit row and another purl row.
Bind off all 5 remaining sts.
You can fasten off the final stitch like this.

Then you’ll go on to work with the stitches that were ignored when you first turned. They’ll form the neckband and the other shoulder.
Your knitting looks very nice and even. It’s going to be an adorable first sweater!

You’re an angel thank you so very very much

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Such a cute Teddy sweater. Once you’ve achieved this you’ll be able to make a full sized sweater for yourself as the instructions are basically the same.
Your knitting looks lovely.

Hi! Just wondering if you can help me with the back?

‘It says shape armholes and divide for back opening’
I can’t see on the back portion of the pattern that it mention armholes, so do I just do as I did for the front? And what does divide for back opening mean?

I also don’t understand this part “Cast off 11 sts, knit until there are 12(18) sts on right-hand needle after casting off. turn and cast on 3 sts. 15121) sts.
Complete this side first
Next row: K3, purl to end
Next row: Knit.
Rep the last 2 rows until back measures same
as front to start neck shaping, ending with a wrong side row.”

When I start ‘k3 purl to end’ I’m so confused am I doing this all on the left needle?

There’s minimal shaping of the armholes, just a cast off of 11sts for the second size. It’s the first direction after the Shape Armholes and Divide of Back Neck Opening.
The back neck opening is a slit at the back neck to make the neck easily slip over the head. You’ll divide at the back neck and work one side before the other.

“Cast off 11 sts, knit until there are 18sts on right-hand needle after casting off. turn and cast on 3 sts. (21) sts.” After you cast off 11sts there will be one stitch on the right hand needle leftover from the cast off. The pattern is accounting for that one stitch when it tells you to knit until there are 18sts on the right hand needle. When you turn, ignore the sts remaining unworked on the left hand needle. You’ll get to them later. You can leave them on the needle or put them on a holder.
Now cast on 3 new sts for a placket at the back opening. You can use a simple backward loop cast on here since it’s so few sts. Knit the 3 newly cast on sts and then purl to the end of the row on the 18sts.
This video shows the backward loop cast on worked before the turn but either way you want to add 3 new sts to the 18sts already on the needle.

Please delete the large portion of the pattern. We can’t post large portions of patterns due to designer copyright. What is the name and designer of the pattern please?