Pattern help Ada Tee from desperate Grandma

Not new to knitting but this one has me stumped no matter how I count/calculate I cannot come up w the required number of stitches to finish a row. Hoping it’s the pattern and not my aging brain! According to pattern, the small size is worked over 95 stitches until the sleeve cast-ons.

From the pattern: Flame Pattern (multiple of 20 sts + 1)
Row 1 (RS) K1, yo, k1, p1, k1 tbl, p1, k4, *s2kp, k4, p1,
k1 tbl, p1, [k1, yo] twice, k1, p1, k1 tbl, p1, k4; rep from asterisk
3 (4, 4, 5) times more, s2kp, k4, p1, k1 tbl, p1, k1, yo,
And jumping ahead for a clearer understanding with a straight forward set of stitches… Row 9 K6, p1, k1 tbl, p1, k1, *k2, p1, k1 tbl, p1, k11, p1, k1
tbl, p1, k1; rep from * 3 (4, 4, 5) times more, k2, p1, k1
tbl, p1, k6. which adds up to 101 stitches by my count. What am I missing?

Welcome to the forum!
The rows 1 and 9 each add up to 101sts. The increases and decrease balance out.
Row 1 requires 9sts before the repeat and leaves you with 10sts.
The repeat takes 4x20sts (80sts) and leaves you with 80sts.
There are 12sts required after the repeat and after finishing this section, you have 11sts.
So a total of 101sts required to work the row and 101sts after the row is worked.

For row 9 there’s 10sts before the repeat, 80sts in the repeats and 11sts after the repeat for a total of 101sts.

I wonder if the requirement for 95sts for the S size is a mistake. Is that the cast on for the S size?
Are there any increases after the border is worked and before the Flame pattern?

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The instructions start here…
Cast on 95 (103, 115, 123) sts.
Row 1 (WS) *P1, k1 tbl; rep from * to last st, p1.
Row 2 (RS) *K1 tbl, p1; rep from * to last st, k1 tbl.
Repeat last 2 rows 5 more times, then repeat Row 1
once more.

Next Row (RS) Work 6 (0, 6, 0) sts in est ribbing, k1,
work Row 1 of Flame patt over next 81 (101, 101, 121)
sts, k1, work 6 (0, 6, 0) sts in est ribbing.
Cont in est patts until 80 (80, 90, 90) rows of patt
have been worked, ending with Row 20 (20, 10, 10) of repeat.

My confusion begins with “work row 1 of flame pattern over next 81 sets” Exactly which stitches of row 1 of flame should be omitted? AND then am I to reduce all subsequent rows by the same number of stitches? It seems as if the pattern does not include clear directions for size small. Thanks for your assistance. Much appreciated!

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Looks like an error in the pattern.
Instead of “rep from asterisk 3 times more”
It I’ll be " rep from asterisk 2 times more " making a total of 3 reps of the 20 stitch rep.

There are 6 sts in established rib, then k1. (7 sts)
Then row 1 of flame pattern which is 9, 3×20=60, 12 (81 sts)
Then K1, 6 sts Rib (7 ss)
Total is 7 + 81 + 7 = 95

If you place a marker after the first 7 sts, another before the last 7 sts, the stitches in between are he 81 to work in the flame pattern. You might want to mark those too, 9, 20, 20, 20, 12.

You’ll be fine once the pattern is established.
Shame about the error in the pattern throwing you off.

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Ah yes, 81sts in the flame pattern makes sense. As Creations mentioned, it’s one repeat (20sts) fewer than the 101sts than the first row of the Flame pattern adds up to. Just one crucial little wrong word in the pattern (“more”).
Have fun working this lovely summer top!

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Brilliant! Thank you!!