I just started the Hatfield Scarf. https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/hatfield-scarf-the-devil-anse
I have a few questions.
- The border rib is 9 rows, then the chart starts with row 1. Slip beg & end stitches on right side. Which side is the right side? Cables are on odd rows of charts, which makes them even rows worked. I used the Twisted German CO which resulted in starting row 2 with a purl. If odd rows are right side, then I’m purling with the yarn left between the first and 2nd stitch of the 2nd row. I considered adding a row to the border so that the chart begins with knit stitches on the ends. I could also start eat Twisted the opposite way so that the ribbing is turned over. (Obviously, I’m overthinking.)
- Please see the key photo. It shows the cable instructions for RS and WS. Cable stitches are on odd rows of chart (see question #1). Surely I don’t cable on both sides of the six stitches involved! Right?
EDIT: I’m on the first row of cables now and I see that there is a C6b and a C6f over six stitches, so there must be a cable on the front and one on the back. Why didn’t they put one on one row and the other on the next row?
- Would a twisted rib border result in a narrower border width (narrower than body)?
I’m going to continue and see what happens until I hear from you! Maybe it will just work out!!!
Thank you!